The World of the Slaves John Sacher University of Central Florida
Sources for Slave Life
Slave Trade—Agency?
Plantation Layout
Slave Quarters
Slave Weddings
Slave Religion
George Washington “There is nothing which stands in greater need of regulation than the Waggons and Carts at the Mansion House, which always whilst I was at home appeared to be most wretchedly employed---first in never carrying half a load; --secondly in flying form one thing to another; and thirdly in no person seeming to know really what they did; and often times under the pretence of doing this, that and the other thing, doing nothing at all.”
Charles Ball “I was never acquainted with a slave who believed, that he violated any rule of morality by appropriating to himself any thing that belonged to his master, if ti was necessary to his comfort.”
Trickster Tales
Slave “Diseases” Drapetomia Dysaethesia Aethiopica
Runaway Slaves
Harriet Tubman Runaway Slave Ad
Fugitive Slave Act
Stono Rebellion (1739) Gabriel Prosser
Gabriel’s Rebellion “I have nothing more to offer than what General Washington would have had to offer, had he been taken by the British and put to trial by them. I have adventured my life in endeavouring to obtain the liberty of my countrymen, and am willing sacrifice in their cause: and I beg, as a favour, that I may be immediately led to execution. I know that you have pre-determined to shed my blood, why then all this mockery of a trial?"
Nat Turner’s Rebellion
Solomon Northup “Without arms or ammunition, or even with them I saw a step that would result in certain defeat disaster and death . . .”