This is a photo of the Philadelphia Anti-Slavery Society, taken in 1851. What do you think the people in this photo might be thinking?
The Abolitionists The word “abolitionist” refers to those who wished to abolish, or immediately get rid of, slavery. Abolitionism began in New England and Pennsylvania in the late 1700s Fueled by the Second Great Awakening, abolitionism became a religious crusade that fit Northern Christianity
First attempts to abolish slavery The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 – made sure that no state created from the Northwest Territory could allow slavery First time that Congress says “no” to slavery Congress will battle over “slave territory” and “free territory” for the next 60 years
For discussion . . . At the Constitutional Convention in 1787, the Founding Fathers largely avoided discussing the issue of slavery because it was so controversial. What do you think would have happened if they would have tried to make some more permanent decisions regarding slavery?
The abolitionists who worked to end slavery through speech The Talkers The abolitionists who worked to end slavery through speech
The Grimké sisters Angelica and Sarah Grimké were the daughters of a South Carolina slave owner They moved to Philadelphia to lecture about the evils of slavery Also fought for women’s rights
Frederick Douglass Son of a white father and slave mother Spoke so eloquently, many didn’t believe he used to be a slave Lectured all across the United States and Britain
For discussion . . . Amplified sound (microphone and loudspeakers) would not be invented until the late 1800s. What qualities would public speakers need during this time in order to have an effect on their audience?
The abolitionists who worked to end slavery through their writings The Writers The abolitionists who worked to end slavery through their writings
Harriet Beecher Stowe Published Uncle Tom’s Cabin in 1852 This dramatic novel tells the story of an older slave and his cruel master Portrays an evil institution The book sells 300,000 copies, becomes a play performed worldwide
Uncle Tom’s Cabin tells the story of a slave named Tom Uncle Tom’s Cabin tells the story of a slave named Tom. Throughout his life, he witnesses the horrors of slavery, including savage beatings and families being torn apart. At the end of the story, Uncle Tom refuses to tell his master, Simon Legree, the whereabouts of two runaway slaves. Legree orders Tom to be savagely beaten. On his deathbed, Uncle Tom forgives Legree and the overseers who beat him. “[He] opened his eyes, and looked upon his master . . . ‘There ain’t no more ye can do! I forgive ye with all my soul!’ and he fainted entirely away.”
Uncle Tom’s Cabin facts Stowe wrote the novel in response to the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 (you’ll learn about this later Stowe was criticized for inaccuracy because she never actually visited a slave plantation in the South UCT became the 2nd highest-selling book of the 1800s (The Bible was #1)
William Lloyd Garrison In 1831, started the abolitionist newspaper, The Liberator Once burned a copy of the Constitution because it allowed slavery “I am in earnest! I will not excuse! I will not retreat one inch!”
Why are books and newspapers such powerful media in the 1800s? For discussion . . . Why are books and newspapers such powerful media in the 1800s?
The abolitionists who worked to end slavery through their actions The Do-ers The abolitionists who worked to end slavery through their actions
Harriet Tubman Escaped slavery, but returned to the South 19 times to save others The main “conductor” on the Underground Railroad, she brought over 300 slaves to freedom Slave owners offered $40,000 to get her
John Brown “Here before God . . . I dedicate my life to the destruction of slavery.” Felt it was his Christian duty to destroy slavery immediately, and was willing to resort to violence
John Brown At Pottawotamie, KS, in 1855, he led a group that murdered five pro-slavery men In 1859, he led a raid on a federal arsenal in Harper’s Ferry, VA, in the hopes of starting a massive slave revolt
John Brown Was hanged for treason against the state of Virginia Became a martyr for the abolitionist cause, and was called “The Meteor” of the Civil War
Homework: The Abolitionist Scrapbook Page Make a scrapbook page of the “Talkers,” the “Writers,” or the “Do-ers” of abolitionism. Include photos or drawings of the abolitionists from the category you chose Must include at least four colors Should have a heading that says something like this: “The ________ (Talkers, Writers, or Do-ers) were the most effective in the fight to end slavery because . . .”