A brief history of my life Seth Haygood A brief history of my life
Younger Years Born and raised in Paducah, KY Enjoyed being outdoors in my free time Looked forward to school because of math class
High School Gained interest in sciences Moved to Cape Girardeau, MO after my freshman year Met my wife Decided to take 21 college credit hours my senior year
College (SEMO) Attended SEMO due to convenience Enrolled in a program to transfer to S&T Worked to help pay for school Son was born
College (S&T) Chose S&T for reputation and cost Joined the Robotics Design Team Inducted into Eta Kappa Nu (HKN) Elected Treasurer of HKN Secured an internship with Sandia National Labs
Plans Intern with Sandia over the summer Graduate with my bachelor’s in Electrical Engineering Attend graduate school or work in industry