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Presentation Guidelines and templates FSM committee
Indiana U t Wendy Balmer
Sample Presentation. Slide 1 Info Slide 2 Info.
Presentation Title, Arial 44 bold
Attract interest with an engaging title
Presentation Title Presenter’s Name Affiliation.
Birmingham, UK, 2nd - 5th September 2018
Main point 6 point smaller than slide title
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Title Case, 30pt Calibri Bold, NWH Gray Sentence Case, 30pt Calibri, NWH Gray Month Day, Year.
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Click to insert title - Arial 40pt
Click to insert title - Arial 40pt
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Attract interest with an engaging title
Attract interest with an engaging title
Attract interest with an engaging title
Presentation Title, Arial 44 bold
Attract interest with an engaging title
Speaker Name (Click to insert your text)
entry # Award Project Name location – (City, State)
Attract interest with an engaging title
Attract interest with an engaging title
Attract interest with an engaging title
Attract interest with an engaging title
Attract interest with an engaging title
Attract interest with an engaging title
Click to insert title - Arial 40pt
Attract interest with an engaging title
Attract interest with an engaging title
Click to insert title - Arial 40pt
Attract interest with an engaging title
Attract interest with an engaging title
Attract interest with an engaging title
Attract interest with an engaging title
Click to insert title - Arial 40pt
Attract interest with an engaging title
Minimum of 30 point and maximum 3 lines title Remove or change the pictures Event Location Date There MUST be a CGIAR logo or a CRP logo. You can copy.
Attract interest with an engaging title
Attract interest with an engaging title
Getting Results with Be Clear and Concise.
Attract interest with an engaging title
Attract interest with an engaging title
Attract interest with an engaging title
Attract interest with an engaging title
Department | Website | Phone Number
Affiliations – Calibri, 18 pt
[Franklin Gothic Medium Bold 44 pt.]
[Franklin Gothic Medium Bold 44 pt.]
Presentation Title Presenter’s Name Affiliation.
Birmingham, UK, 2nd - 5th September 2018
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Attract interest with an engaging title
Attract interest with an engaging title
Attract interest with an engaging title
Presentation Title: Goes Here
Name of Event Name of Event Date, location, department
Attract interest with an engaging title
Use five to seven words for heading (Calibri 24-28pt; TRI orange)
Attract interest with an engaging title
Attract interest with an engaging title
Click to insert title - Arial 40pt
Click to insert title - Arial 40pt
Follow the directions in the next 10 slides
Presentation transcript:

FOR MORE TRI EVENTS INFO VISIT WWW.TRI.EDU.AU/EVENTS WHAT’S COMING UP AT TRI Use five to seven words for heading (Calibri 24-30pt; TRI orange) Day, DD Month 201- (Calibri 18pt; TRI grey) 0:00am-00:00am, Room 2003, Level 2 Make your slide easy to understand, concise and most importantly worth reading by using a few short sentences or bullet points. Total word count is 50 to 80 words (maximum). Use your logo on the right. Images relating to your content can be used. What is your call to action? Visit website, phone, register. FOR MORE TRI EVENTS INFO VISIT WWW.TRI.EDU.AU/EVENTS