EUROPEAN HABITAT TYPES RED LIST OF EUROPEAN HABITAT TYPES John Janssen Alterra, October 2014 Main contractors: Alterra, IUCN, NatureBureau, Rodwell, Gubbay More than 50 subcontractors
EUROPEAN HABITAT TYPES RED LIST OF EUROPEAN HABITAT TYPES Content Aim Approach & planning Typology Categories & criteria Data Perspective
Aim Provide a Red List for all (marine & terrestrial) semi(natural) habitats of Europe Application: priority setting in policy making, possible revision of Annex 1-types Geographical scope: EU28 plus
Aim Provide a Red List for all (marine & terrestrial) semi(natural) habitats of Europe Application: priority setting in policy making, possible revision of Annex 1-types Geographical scope: EU28 plus
Aim Product: Fact sheet with data on each habitat type, including the Red List status for EU28/EU28+ Available in an online system and as PDF Relationship with Article 17 CS assessment
Aim Not Annex 1-habitats Product: Fact sheet with data on each habitat type, including the Red List status for EU28/EU28+ Includes information on different countries Available in an online system and as PDF Relationship with Article 17 CS assessment Not Annex 1-habitats
Fact sheet Definition, photo, references Distribution, map, area Territorial data Trend in quantity Trend in quality Pressures and threats Conservation and management Red List assessment Subtypes that may need further attention References, authors
Approach According to feasibility study (Rodwell et al. 2013) EUNIS-typology as a basis Draft factsheets are produced in expert working groups (WGs) - regional WGs marine - thematic WGS terrestrial Basis for EU-broad assessment: territorial data, for country/region provided by national experts
Article 17 data
Approach & planning Typology (list of types) Training week Definitions types + maps Matrix habitats in countries Data from countries (trends/status) Red List assessment (working groups) Review Synthesis meeting Reporting
Approach & planning Typology (list of types)March 14 Training week July 14 Definitions types Oct 14 + maps Dec 14 Matrix habitats in countries Oct 14 Data from countries (trends/status) Nov 14/Feb 15 Red List assessment (working groups) Oct 14-Aug 15 Marine: 2014: Balt., Med./2015: Atl., Black Sea Terrestrial: Jan-August 2015 Review Aug-Dec 15 Synthesis meeting Jan 16 Reporting Jan-Jun 16
Typology Adapted EUNIS 3 (terrestrial/freshwater) and EUNIS 4 (marine) Additional: Annex 1-types Terrestrial: Main division of six groups (B-H) Exclude landscape-types (X), artificial types (I, J) Non-vegetated types included Marine: use revised EUNIS-typology
Typology Adapted EUNIS 3 (terrestrial/freshwater) Adaptations if... Overlap/unclarity between EUNIS-types too broad EUNIS-types (in terms of biodiversity) better relation to Annex 1
Typology Adapted EUNIS 3 (terrestrial/freshwater) Adaptations if... Overlap/unclarity between EUNIS-types too broad EUNIS-types (in terms of biodiversity) better relation to Annex 1 It is a typology for this project (no formal revision of EUNIS)
Typology Habitats Terrestrial: 234 types + 233 Annex 1, divided over: B. Coastal C. Freshwater D. Mires/bogs/fens E. Grassland F. Heathland/scrub/Tundra G. Forest/woodlands H. Slightly vegetated (screes, rocks, volcanos, weeds)
Typology Habitats Marine: > 400 types, unevenly divided over regions (many in the Baltics)
Typology Definition To be used for data gathering in countries/regions No overlap/confusion with other types ! Includes quality aspects
Typology Definition To be used for data gathering in countries/regions No overlap/confusion with other types
Categories Collapse = analogue to ‘extinct’ for species CO Collapsed CR Critically endangered EN Endangered VU Vulnerable NT Near threatened LC Least concern DD Data Deficient
Criteria Trends in quantity Trends in quality Small distribution range + threatened Main criteria (trends in last 50 years)... ...and additional criteria These sum up to the IUCN global Red List criteria for ecosystems (Keith et al. 2013, PlosOne)
Perspective Discussion paper comparison CS-assessment: this year First results marine: this year First results terrestrial: summer 2015 Final results and reports: summer 2016