Active Learning Student Learning process 1) Sensor memory -> Short term memory -> Long term memory. 1st Transfer: Attention & comparison bet. the sensor info and the prior [past acquired] knowledge or preconception. STM is encoded in Sensory receptors and lasts only a few minutes . 2nd Transfer: Transform info. into knowledge via active restructuring and visually organizing of the new info in short term memory. LTM has a large capacity and encoded in synaptic weights. Lecture-Only classes: 45 % of lecture materials remain after 3-4 days, 24 % do after 8 weeks.
2) True Knowledge = Within a conceptual system, Understand facts and ideas Factual knowledge -> Conceptual knowledge. Organize knowledge so that Easy retrieval and Application is possible. We will Apply Active Learning to Our Lectures ! I. First 15 minutes: - Review the Previous Lecture Materials by A few Selected Keywords Present interesting results. This is a Prior Knowledge Check.
- Respond to the Students’ Questions [Either on the Quiz or New] - Present the Class Objective by Showing a Concept Map Illustrating What Will be taught Today. - This will help to visually understand Connection rings. - Keywords and Theme Words will be High-lighted on the Chart. - Throw Provocative questions that may draw students' attention.
Concept Map
II. The Next 55 minutes will be the Main Body of the Lecture Materials which will use various connection rings like: Theory <-> Phenomena or Examples Theory -> Hypothesis -> Proof Formulate Problems -> Solutions Cause -> Effect Concept -> Application
III. End of Class Summary – 5 minutes : For Self-Evaluation, This will also include Effective Questioning/Answering- give 5 seconds for students to think. Will give Hints if necessary. Induce some answers from a different perspective. III. End of Class Summary – 5 minutes : Connection of important points, Connection between concept and prior knowledge, Present New problems.
IV. Self-evaluation via a Take-Home Quiz. Summarize and Itemize in your own terms, using the keywords and keypoints, only the important points/concepts that you have learned for each class. Most difficult and questionable [Muddiest] points ? V. Provide feedback to the Quiz.