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What is Referral Trak? Referral Trak is a web-based software program that helps organizations easily and effectively track referrals: Referral Trak is a secure, web-based solution that requires only a simple web browser and internet connection to operate – no hardware or software upgrades required Fits your existing staff, product offering, incentive practices, and organizational structure. Affordable Training & Support
Why Referral Trak? Developed by Richweb to help Virginia Bankers Association better serve their customers with a reliable, smart and high value product for referral tracking. A research study conducted by the VBA of internal referral tracking confirms the value of developing the system: - The VBA surveyed the senior contact at 146 VBA member banks. 62% responded - 96% of respondents were the President, CEO, or other Senior Executives of their bank
Key Findings There is a correlation between the presence of a referral tracking system and higher rates of return on assets and equity. Few institutions with current referral tracking systems are highly satisfied with their system. Most banks without systems are either seeking an effective system to implement or are managing other issues with an underlying intention of implementing a system at some time in the future.
Key Features Fully adaptable Highly flexible No additional staff required Backed with training and support Easy to update and manage Real time communication Over site of all referrals Clear Reports Excel compatible
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