The Circulatory System Chapter 37 The Circulatory System
Question of the Day What is the technical term for a heart attack? A Myocardial Infarction What is the disease called for weakening of the arteries? Arteriosclerosis
Ch. 37 Essential Questions What is the circulatory system & its parts? What is the flow of blood in a body? What is blood & blood pressure? What are the lymphatic & respirtory systems & their parts? How do you breathe?
The Circulatory System What does it consist of? The Heart Blood Vessels Blood (RBCs) What are some real world examples of the circ. System? A Network of highways Motor of a Car Others?
The Heart How big is the heart? Size of your fist It’s a muscle Protected by the myocardium (tissue) 4 chambers for blood flow 1. Right Atrium (Top part - coming from Sup & Inf. Vena Cava) 2. Right Ventricle (Pushes oxygen-low blood to lungs) 3. Left Atrium (Oxygen Rich blood) 4. Left Ventricle (Pushes oxygenated blood out aorta to whole body) Blue means low oxygen Red means oxygen rich
More Important Heart Parts How does your heart know to beat? Sino-Atrial Node (Pacemaker) Signal sent from brain (w/acetylcholine) How often is signal sent? 2 times a second How does the blood flow in 1 direction? Valves (3 of them) & Septum Pulmonary (bicuspid) Valve Mitral (bicuspid Valve Aortic (tricuspid) Valve Septum - seperated R & L sides of heart All Prevent backflow & leakage
Once Blood Leaves the Heart After it leaves the aorta - 3 types of vessels: Goes out arteries Then to smaller capilaries Then returns to heart thru veins Why is exercise important for blood flow? Muscle contraction helps move blood along Valves just like in heart to prevent backflow
Blood Pressure What do you take blood pressure (BP) with? Sphygmomanometer What is a normal BP? 120/80 - what does that mean? It is pressure in the arteries 120 is systolic pressure or ventricle contracts 80 is diastolic pressure when ventricles relax What causes high BP?
Cool Heart Advances 1924 - 1st Electro-Cardiogram (EKG) used Monitors heart rythmn 1967 - 1st Heart transplant 1977 - 1st Angioplasty performed (year Mr. Sanders was born) Balloon inflated in arteries to remove block 1982 - 1st artificial heart (Jarvik 7 - Plavix commercial) 1996 - 1st artificial pacemaker implanted
Blood Composed of 3 things Red Blood Cells (RBCs) - carry oxygen (O2) & nutrients Have Hemoglobin (Iron) to help carry O2 Plasma - carry hormones, regulate BP, maintain blood vol. Platelets - help clot cuts Why is blood shaped like a donut? So it can have more surface area to hold O2 & nutrients Why does blood look Red? B/c of Iron in hemoglobin “rusts” in presence of O2
Lymphatic System A Body’s Immune System Lymph Nodes - places where WBCs are produced Also where foreign invaders are “imprisoned” That’s why glands get swollen when sick, b/c of more WBCs & foreign bodies Also collects fluid from blood stream & brings it back to body
37-3 Respiratory System Parts of the R.S. Nose Pharynx Larynx Trachea - windpipe Bronchi - where air exchange takes place Lungs
Gas Exchange In lungs Blood capillaries meet alveoli (in bronchi) CO2 dissolves across membrane out of alveoli O2 filter through same membrane in Diaphram is used to pull/push air in and out of lungs
Breathing Diseases Problems with Breathing Bronchitis - inflammation of bronchi Asthma - inflamation of bronchi from allergy Emphysema - coating/destroying alveoli & lung
Ummm! Emphysema!