EMSPI Meeting Prague, 7-8 April 2016 WP Implementation Status in Spain NEOBIS (former Asociación Artes Gráficas de Madrid) 2 meetings held in late 2014 and early 2015 General e-mailing facilitated, but only 1 company interested NEOBIS will make personal calls and facilitate bilateral meetings Asociación de Artes Gráficas de Vizcaya 3 companies interested, 3/5 more expected after personal calls and bilateral meetings Ecodición (http://www.ecoedicion.eu/, Andalusia) 4 companies visited and confirmed, 2/4 more companies expected Valencia 6 companies visited and confirmed, 4/6 more expected expected Planned meetings with regional associations in Navarre and Catalonia Iker Larrea - date: 07.04.2016 www.emspi.eu
EMSPI Meeting Prague, 7-8 April 2016 WP Implementation Status in Spain List of participating companies Iker Larrea - date: 07.04.2016 www.emspi.eu
EMSPI Meeting Prague, 7-8 April 2016 WP Implementation Status in Spain Next steps Tempus fugit! Kick-off meetings In Valencia: week of April 25-29 In Bilbao: first week of May In Sevilla (and ideally Madrid): first half of May Planned schedule Draft EnMS ready before summer break Monitoring in Q3 and Q4 Finalisation in Q4-2016 ker Larrea - date: 07.04.2016 www.emspi.eu