the 2018 UN flagship report on disability and development INtroduction Maria Martinho Secretariat of the convention on the rights of persons with disabilities/dspd/undesa 3rd meeting of the Working group on disability and digital societies, 30 nov 2016
content 2018 UN Flagship Report: Mandate Draft outline 2nd MEDD Meeting, 3-4 May 2016
mandate In 2014, the UN General Assembly, in resolution 69/142, requested the Secretary-General, in coordination with all relevant United Nations entities, to compile and analyse national policies, programmes, best practices and available statistics regarding persons with disabilities, reflecting progress made in addressing the relevant internationally agreed development goals and the provisions of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), to be submitted to the General Assembly in a flagship report during 2018
2018 un flagship report - Draft outline SDG 1 & 2: poverty, social protection and hunger SDG 1, 11 & 13: climate change, disasters and humanitarian crises (incl refugees/IDP) SDG 3: health (access to health services, sexual and productive health, mental health) SDG 4: education SDG 5: gender equality for women & girls with disabilities SDGs 6 & 7: access to energy, water, sanitation SDG 8: employment SDG 9: access to ICT SDG 10: inequalities SDG 11: inclusive & accessible cities/settlements SDG 16: Violence against pwd, equal access to justice, inclusive decision-making, birth registration & access to information SDG 17: International cooperation, capacity building, partnerships, technology and innovation, opportunities and challenges in collecting disability data Structure of flagship report Introduction Chapters based on SDGs Way forward Statistical Annex
2018 un flagship report - Draft outline Chapter SDG XX: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx a. International legislation for this topic, including CRPD articles which are relevant to shed a disability perspective b. National policies/programmes to implement this SDG and related CRPD provisions for persons with disabilities c. UN activities in implementation these SDGs for persons with disabilities d. Situation of persons with disabilities: status and trends e. Conclusion and the way forward ** Cross-cutting issues: (i) Accessibility; (ii) the situation and implementation of this goal/target for social groups, vulnerable persons