Integrated River Basin Management Tools and methods for IRBM Monitoring, Acquisition and processing of Water Resource Data
Types of water Resource Data Time series data: Equidistant time-series Cyclic time-series Non-equidistant time-series Spatial data E.g., catchment data (physical and morphological characteristics), river data (cross-sections, profile, bed characteristics), and lake or reservoir data (elevation-area- storage capacity). Relation oriented data consist of mathematical relationships between two or more variables.
Techniques for monitoring (observation of) water resource data Gauging Equipment This is the most common way to observe hydro-meteorological variables, such as precipitation, stream flow, etc Remote Sensing Chemical Tracers
Sources of water resource data Common sources: water resources/irrigation departments, River basin / regional water authorities, experimental and research organizations, universities, experimental basins, farms, etc.), public health authorities, etc. Uncommon sources: Airports, municipal bodies, etc. field visit is always helpful in getting supplementary information. E.g., high-water marks along rivers
4. Design of hydro-meteorological networks Types of networks areal networks, such as those for precipitation, and ground water levels, linear networks such as those for stream flow and river sediment. Categories of networks: basic (to get the fundamental characteristics of the variables of interest), specific (to gather data for some specific purpose, e.g., a reservoir project), temporary (which are in operation for a short period of time). Xxx
Density of stations Recommended minimum densities of stations (area in km2) [WMO, 2008] xxx
Data transformation systems Manual with the observer at a station sending data to the central office. Manual/semi-automatic system (telephone, radio, etc. and receives the data. Pre-program and time system where automatic equipment initiates the transmission of observations. Automatic event indicator and the station automatically transmitting the specified change of variable to a central location Automatic system with station transmitting and central office recording data continuously.
The data transmission links Dedicated land lines are used when distances are short and commercial lines are not readily available. Commercial telephone lines are used wherever feasible. Two-way communication and data transmission is possible. High frequency radio links are used when land lines are not available or topography is difficult. The installation cost can be high. satellittes
Data storage and retrieval
Data dissemination Set up of an up-to-date catalog of database. The catalogue of data held in various databases should be updated periodically. Many organizations routinely publish basin-wise data-year books. A water-year book can be conveniently published on a computer media, such as. many organizations have established databases that can be accessed through Internet.
Sources of water resource data xxx xx.