Letterland: Unit Twenty-Three LOOK What We Are Studying Mrs. Stone’s Class Classroom Newsletter March 20, 2016 Dates to Remember What Are We Learning? Mar. 20th – Day 3 (Music) Mar. 21st – Day 4 (Computers) Mar. 22nd – Day 1 (PE) Mar. 23rd – Day 2 (Spanish &Art) **Math Benchmark Mar. 24th – Day 3 (Music) School Store Spirit Day: CCE shirt day *Be on the lookout for a Sign Up for Easter activities. Your child will need 12 filled plastic eggs and a basket. Practice Math Fluency Be sure your child is practicing their addition facts every night for at least 5 minutes. We are really working on building fact fluency from now until the end of the year. Remember, you can purchase flashcards and a deck of cards from the Dollar Tree. The deck of cards can be turned into a game of Addition War, or any other game you can think of! Letterland: Unit Twenty-Three Students will learn about long I in ie and igh. Mr. I and Mr. E follow the now familiar Vowels Walking story line. If you lose the word list, you can always go to our class webpage and print the list. Math –(1.MD.3a) I can orally tell time to the hour and half-hour by using a digital clock and analog clock. We will be making paper plate clocks! (1.OA.6) I can add and subtract within 20. ELA – (1.RL.2b) I can explain the lesson in a story. (1.W.6a) I can use digital tools to produce and publish writing with help from my teacher. Science – (1.P.1.2) I can show the unseen force of magnets. I can demonstrate how magnets repel and attract each other. March Learner Profile: Risk-Taker Our students will approach uncertainty with forethought and determination; we work independently and cooperatively to explore new ideas and innovative strategies. We are resourceful and resilient in the face of challenges and change. LOOK What We Are Studying During our class meetings, we say the CCE Honor Pledge and review the learner profile of the month: risk-taker. As a risk-taker we try new things. We go over the attitudes: This week we will talk about independence. We are thinking and doing things for ourselves. We also discuss the transdisciplinary skills: thinking skills (comprehension, metacognition, application), social skills (resolving conflict, group decision-making, accepting responsibility), communication skills (writing, speaking, listening), self-management skills (organization, healthy lifestyle, time management), and research skills (observing, planning, interpreting data). We look at the key concepts and all that relate to what we are discussing in class: function, change, connection, responsibility, perspective, reflection, causation, and form. We review the unit of study we are focusing on, which is How the World Works. An inquiry into the natural world and its laws; the interaction between the natural world (physical and biological) and human societies; how humans use their understanding of scientific principles; the impact of scientific and technological advances on society and on the environment. Mrs. Stephanie Stone Email address: stephanie_stone@iss.k12.nc.us Coddle Creek Elementary School Phone number: 704-439-4077 141 Frank’s Crossing Loop Mooresville, NC 28115 Website: http://iss.k12.nc.us/Domain/5624