Basic Feature of Maps Title Date Legend (or key) North Arrow (can be overused) magnetic vs. true north Neatline Coordinate system/Projection Datum Date edited
Map Characteristics Scale Resolution (Scale can never be totally accurate all over the map, unless the map covers a very small area.) Ratio between distance on map to distance on Earth Small scale - cover large area (coarse) e.g. 1 : 1,000,000 Large scale - shows more detail (fine) e.g. the 1 : 2,400 Types: Representative fraction, linear, verbal Resolution accuracy that location and shape can be depicted Diminishes with scale 10
Topographical vs. Thematic Maps Maps whose primary purpose is to indicate the general lay of the land outline natural features topographical maps often show other features such as roads, boundaries, rail links Thematic Maps displays geographic concepts population density climate land use etc. 6
Types of Thematic Maps Chloropleth Maps Area Class Maps A thematic map in which areas are colored or shaded to reflect the density of the mapped phenomenon census tracts, etc. Area Class Maps maps that display information by constant attribute e.g. coniferous Vs deciduous forest 7
Types of Thematic Maps Isopleth (Isoline) Maps Isolines are: (Topographic can really be considered a type of thematic map) maps showing imaginary surfaces -connects all points with equal value - Isolines contours pressure temperature pollution levels Isolines are: drawn at regular intervals never cross they are closed lines values inside are higher than outside 8