Science Safety: General Science Safety Checklist
Key Question Where can I find a general science safety check list? What should we be looking for in general with regards to science safety?
General Items/Ideas Establish a safety contract signed by students (parents if you like) Review medical and allergy problems (especially latex) Assess barriers for students with disabilities Display Safety Posters
General Items/Ideas Review all safety policies and procedures of the district, state, and professional organizations Establish a procedure for reporting concerns and injuries Inventory safety equipment Where are and how many… Goggles, aprons, gloves, etc.
General Items/Ideas Create safety scenarios Ex) Role Play: How do we remind someone that they are to be wearing goggles? Inspect science areas for orderliness and safety concerns
Glassware Precautions Substitute plastic-ware for glassware in elementary schools Have clean up materials for items which may break Broom, dust pan, etc.
Chemical Precautions Chemicals in an elementary setting should be rarely if ever used Be aware that students are likely to try things with chemicals “What would happen if…” “Just for fun, let’s…” Never taste chemicals Always wash hands MSDS Sheets for chemicals used must be posted
Electrical Precautions Ensure that students understand the risk of AC power Electrical cords should be short and connected to the nearest outlet Hands should be dry before touching any electrical device Make sure all outlets are GFI (Ground-Fault Interrupters
Sign School Safety Roster Be sure to understand each of the previous items Sign the Roster attesting your understanding
Reflection Questions How do the topics in this presentation impact your classroom? What is one best practice that relates to this topic that you would share with colleagues or our staff?