Ghettos Residential districts set up to segregate the Jews from the rest of the population. Meant to be temporary, but many lasted months to years Many died from disease or starvation. Once the Final Solution began (late 1941) Germans liquidated the ghettoes, by mass murder by being shot or being deported to killing centers; few went to labor or concentration camps
Ghettos Piotrków Trybunalski, 1st ghetto in Poland, Sept 29, 1939 23,000 forced to live where 6,000 previously lived
A man and his daughter in forced labor at a factory in the Lodz ghetto
Ghettos Jews were forced to wear identification badges and armbands Forced to carry out labor Administered by a Nazi-appointed Jewish councils – the Judenraete Ghetto police enforced those decisions – many of the police were Jewish Germans killed Jews that disobeyed
WARSAW GHETTO UPRISING Jews did try organized resistance; Warsaw uprising most famous Summer 1942: 300,000 Jews deported to Treblinka; reporters returned of mass murders. Treblinka was an extermination camp.
WARSAW GHETTO UPRISING Young persons in the Warsaw ghetto organized the ZOB (Zydowska Organizacja Bojowa – Jewish Fighting Organization) Encouraged the Jews to resist going to the railroad car for deportation Were successful in January 1943; Warsaw ghetto fighters fired on the Germans (Weapons were smuggled into the ghettos); Germans eventually retreated Uprising: April 19, 1943 – 750 fighters fought off heavily armed Germans until May 16; Germans wore out the resistance 56,000 Jews were captured, 7,000 shot, the remaindered deported to camps (Treblinka and Majdanek)