MOTIVATION By Devpriya Dey
MOTIVATION It is a set of forces that makes an individual to behave in a certain way towards attaining/ achieving a goal KEY ELEMENTS OF MOTIVATION Intensity: How hard a person tries Direction: Which path/where is a person going ahead Persistence: How long a person tries .
IMPORTANCE OF MOTIVATION If we can identify which stage/which category of motivation does an employee fall into, it will help the employer to chalk out the respective ways to motivate & retain them
MASLOW’S HIERARCHY OF NEEDS Physiological Needs – Food, Cloth, Shelter, Sex Safety Needs – Physical Safety, Economic Safety, Freedom from threats Social Needs – Love & Affection, Group Membership, Relationship Esteem Needs – Status, Achievement, Responsibility, Prestige Self-Actualization – Personal Growth & fulfillment, opportunities for innovation & creativity
ALDERFER’S ERG THEORY Existence Needs: Basis Needs (food, cloth & Shelter) Related Needs: Social Needs (Relationship, Love & Affection and Group Membership Growth Needs: Personal Growth & fulfillment, opportunities for innovation & creativity
MC CLELLANDS’S NEEDS THEORY Need for Achievement: Strive to Succeed Need for Power: Seek Influence, Attention & recognition Need for Affiliation: Relationship, Love & Affection and Group Membership
HERZBERG’S TWO-FACTOR THEORY (HYGIENE & MOTIVATIONAL FACTORS) Hygiene Factors CANNOT MOTIVATE but ELIMINATE DISSATISFACTION If motivational factors are not there, the effect is neutral, but if present then it will result into motivation Hygiene Factors: Salary, Company Policies, Working Environment and Job Security Motivational Factors: Job Enrichment, Career Growth and Recognition
Douglas Mc GREGOR’S THEORY X & THEORY Y Theory X: Employees work as little as possible, lack ambition, dislike responsibility, resistant to change. So they need to be controlled, pressurized & bribed. Theory Y: Employees are willing to work; they are creative & self-directed. Hence the management must arrange conditions & methods of operation so that employees can achieve their own goals best by directing their own efforts towards org objectives. Theory Z: Long term employment, collective responsibility, collective decision-making, slow evaluation & promotion, concern for total people including their family
ADAMS’S EQUITY THEORY: How fairly employees are treated & rewarded at work VROOM’S EXPECTANCY THEORY: Effort + Reward + Performance GOAL SETTING THEORY: Setting a goal for an employee helps him/her to achieve the goals faster since the employee gets a direction to focus his attention & channelise all resources towards the goal.
MINNESOTA SATISFACTION QUSETIONNAIRE: A rating scale to measure job satisfaction survey. HONEY MOON EFFECT: The tendency for people to enjoy high level of satisfaction on new jobs after they quit their previous job in which they were dissatisfied. HANGOVER EFFECT: The level of satisfaction drops over a period of time in the same job.
3 types ORGANISATIONAL COMMITMENT: Continuance Commitment: continue working in an org since cant afford to leave Affective Commitment: continue working in an org since you agree with it & desire to remain Normative Commitment: continue working in an org since you face pressure from others to remain