Storage as Plant Products, Feeds, Mineral Supplements CROPS Phosphorus Cycle Storage as Plant Products, Feeds, Mineral Supplements Mineral Fertilizers Surface Runoff, Wind Erosion, Leaching (sandy soils, low OM, Na and K phosphates) Non labile P 80-90% of total soil P Labile P Soil Solution P ~ 0.01% of total soil P · P sorbed to clays and to Al, Fe oxides Fe, Al, Mn, Ca, Mg phosphates that have aged and formed rigid crystal structures Stable organic phosphates Surface-adsorbed PO 4 s Newly-precipitated Fe, Al, Mn phosphates on acid soils; Ca, Mg phosphates on alkaline soils H 2 - and HPO4= ions released from labile forms of P or added via fertilizers CROPS ANIMALS, HUMANS SOIL Microbial Decomposition Plant Roots Mycorrhiza Microbial Storage as Animal and Human Excrement