Research What is it?
PLANNING Choose a topic Think about the Commonwealth Games. Where will you find information BEST SUITED to your topic.
QUESTIONS OPEN- CLOSED Require a detailed answer and allow for a personal response. HOW, WHAT, WHERE, WHEN, WHICH NB: The questions that you have been given are all OPEN questions CLOSED Limited to YES or NO Only use to confirm or negate fact.
Prior Knowledge Remember: when you start researching, your aim is to find out something you didn’t know before. Before you start, remind yourself of what you already know. This is called prior knowledge.
What next? Identify keywords to help you know what to look for. Keyword= 1 the key to a cipher 2 A a word of great significance B an informative word used in an information retrieval system to indicate the content of a document etc. (The Concise Oxford Dictionary, 1995) Discuss open and closed questions Who why which when what where rather than closed yes and no..
Keywords and concepts Why Apartheid adopted South Africa reason racism started segregation commenced made law
Activity By using keywords and synonyms re-write the question in your own words. Added bonus: write some questions that you can use to find out more….use open questions to delve deeper….
SUMMARY Research : ‘a systematic investigation into and study of ‘stuff’ in order to establish FACTS and reach new CONCLUSIONS’ It is vital to PLAN your research Ask QUESTIONS to define your KEYWORDS Open questions – give more detailed responses Re-write the question so that YOU can UNDERSTAND it
On Line Searching Tools EPIC and INNZ Databases Databases containing thousands of articles, essays and reports from around the world. Many of these have full text available (that means you can read the articles on screen) You can access these articles by following the link to the Library from the HIBS website and then clicking on the inquiry page or Username: huttibs Password: 33hutt
These data bases are good places to find reliable information: Britannica Online Opposing Viewpoints World History in context Student resources in context In particular wold history in context held numerous information on all five topics.
Evaluation How do I know that the information I have found is correct? Websites often contain biased, inaccurate, or incomplete information. The reader must critically evaluate the information found. Website/Resource Evaluation
Take the C.R.A.A.P. test
Take the C.R.A.A.P. Test
Plagiarism Star wars Acknowledgement Always acknowledge your source! To be polite To respect those who have produced the information APA (American Psychological Association) Correct referencing may make or break a grade ;)
Bibliography When to cite (acknowledge) a source Acknowledge all your sources of information in a bibliography. This is also sometimes referred to as ‘citing’ or ‘referencing’. All sources (books, internet sites, videos, people, organisations, etc.) should be listed together in alphabetical order (by author’s surname). Include Author’s surname and initial, title, publisher and place of publication, date published. The link above is for a site that will help you if you are still confused! Keep the flyer!
Activity Give out APA sheets: plus magazines, books…give them 15 minutes to practice or do together….advise on sites to help (sonofcitationmachine) word reference tool.