Women’s Rights By: Liz Moore Lily Wood
Literacy Rates Women in US: 99% Women in Afghanistan: 24.2% (Men is 52%) Women in Pakistan: 62% (average for all countries) Women in Jordan: 98% (One of best countries for women)
Education More women in Universities than men in ⅔ of Middle Eastern Countries Make up only 25% of Labor Force
Ladies’ Attire Headscarves not required: Afghanistan Bangladesh Egypt Iran Jordan Lebanon Pakistan Somalia Exception: Syria: banned on University
A Woman’s Status in Family and Life Most middle eastern countries: Women take care of children and clean the house. Make some decisions pertaining to the children. Men may have up to four wives. Men make all other decisions and make money for the family.
Occupation That Women Can Have Most Countries: BAD Recent Changes in Saudi Arabia: Recent Economic Woes encourage women to join work force
Women’s Restrictions In Saudi Arabia: Women can't: drive a car, try on clothes while shopping, compete in sports, go swimming, wear clothes or makeup that ¨shows off their beauty, or vote. Women rape victims can be charged with a crime while the rapist will remain free of consequence. They can be charged for leaving the house without a male,for being alone with unrelated male, or for getting pregnant afterwards. Women are only considered half a witness Female genital mutilation is still very common
Citations ccn.org Cia.gov https://www.wilsoncenter.org http://www.anekdotique.com/western-woman-in-iran/ ccn.org Cia.gov https://www.wilsoncenter.org http://www.theweek.co.uk