Natural Selection of Strawfish 2007-2008
Phenotypes & Genotypes Phenotypes are controlled by genotype
Phenotype is Selected Natural selection acts on phenotype
Gene Pool is Affected Natural selection changes allele frequency
Behind the scenes FISH B G Y Tot Gen 1 3 9 Gen 2 1 7 ALLELES B Y Tot 18 Gen 2 5 14 What happened to the frequency of the yellow allele? ALLELE Frequency B Y Tot Gen 1 .5 1.0 Gen 2 .6 .4 Natural selection is not an all or nothing proposition. It’s not that a specific phenotype succeeds and all of the other types fail. It’s that the phenotype succeeds more often. Will yellow fish be born as often? Will the yellow allele disappear?
Is a gene a fish’s way of making more fish? Any QUESTIONS?? Is a gene a fish’s way of making more fish? or… Is a fish a gene’s way of making more genes? 2007-2008