Authors: team red - Hannes Schreier, Tobias Kipp, Dr. Bodo Schwieger Impact of different car-sharing schemes on traffic generation and parking in Munich Authors: team red - Hannes Schreier, Tobias Kipp, Dr. Bodo Schwieger
Car-Sharing schemes in Munich “Traditional” Parking zone based Free floating
Differences between car-sharing schemes v
Impact of traditional car-sharing schemes
Parking zones in Munich
What are the effects of the “new” car-sharing schemes? On traffic generation? On modal split? On parking demand?
Questions for the Munich car-sharing strategy Should we support the new car-sharing schemes? Should we offer more dedicated parking for the new car-sharing schemes? Where should the dedicated parking spots be located? Can we reduce the number of parking spaces in the city?
The City of Munich wanted to find out… … and was clever enough to put the obligation to participate in the evaluation in the contracts with all new car-sharing providers!
EVA-CS – The evaluation of new car-sharing services Evaluation between 2013 and 2015 Evaluated services FreeFloating: DriveNow and car2go Parking-Area based services: Flinkster and CiteeCar Project Partners
Survey Design – The evaluation included Customer surveys: approx. 1.600 participants Survey on Munich citizens: approx. 1.000 participants Analysis on Back-End-Data: approx. 400.000 Trips Focus groups and expert interviews
Provider No. Of cars No. Of users 153 8.500 144 1.262 300 15.759 592 46.368 Total 1.189 71.889
Who uses the “new” car-sharing schemes? Category Specifics Age 25 - 35 Years 55+ Years Gender Approx. 75% male Phase of live Couples <40 Years, working, no kids Non-workers (esp. 65+) Income Above-Average incomes
How many kms are generated / reduced? km driven before the new car-sharing schemes were used 829 Mio. Additional km with the new car-sharing schemes 11 Mio. Reduced km by abandoned cars due to the new car-sharing schemes 52 Mio. Overall reduction of car km 41 Mio.
How many private cars do they substitute? Zone-Based OneWay Total
Approx. 1.500 parking spaces gained How many private cars are already substituted? Approx. 850 car-sharing-Cars substitude Approx. 2.500 private owned cars Approx. 1.500 parking spaces gained
Conclusion: Effects on the urban mobility system Positive effects on private car ownership and parking space demand? Should the city take action to encourage a broader use of new-car-sharing schemes?
10 X Conclusion II: Effects on the city of Munich 1.500 Parking spaces X 20qm = 60.000 sqm = 10 soccer fields
Future development New car-sharing schemes will be extended Will the city of Munich use parking space in a different way?
Demand for further research Which transport modes do the new car-sharing schemes substitute? Are the effects the same in other cities?
Contact Thank you for listening! Tobias Kipp +49 8105 779920 +49 171 4262971 e-Mail: team red Deutschland GmbH Geschäftsführer Dr. Bodo Schwieger Almstadtstr. 7, 10119 Berlin Tel: +49.(0)30.138 986-35 – Fax: +49.(0)30.138 986-36