Can we help students avoid seeing science as a body of facts? ENGAGE wants to show students that contemporary science and technology often rely on uncertain evidence, argumentation, and that students’ views are important. Equipping the Next Generation for Active Engagement in Science The Engage “RRI curriculum” Evidence Technology Argumentation Values Sources (media) Reliability & Validity Probability & risk Cost-benefit analysis Ethical perspectives Scope Soc/Econ/Env Effective communication Argument Structure
professional development to propel teachers in their own inquiry Step-by-step professional development Inspiring real-world learning Materials which support students in reaching evidence-based opinions on new science and technology What does the fox say? Sound, waves We use the viral video to raise a serious question: can we understand animal talk? ‘ Bowlingual’ detects a dog’s emotions by analysing a bark’s sound waves. Students look at emerging research to decide what else the technology can do. Can we translate the sound waves into human speech? Grow your own body Cells, tissues and org As people live longer the demand for new organs to replace failed ones increases. Is it possible to build new organs in a dish from cells taken from the patient’s body? Does this new technology offer a good alternative to transplants. Will we be able to build new organs to replace damaged ones within 10 years? Ban Coke? Food and health Now that scientists have discovered that sugar is like an addictive drug, pressure is building for action to reduce the amount of sugar children consume in soft drinks. What is the evidence for causal links between sugar consumption, obesity and disease? Is there enough strong evidence to ban sugary drinks? Attack of the giant viruses? Disease Scientists have discovered a giant 30 000 year old virus still alive under the permafrost. As the world warms, others will be uncovered. Could such an ancient virus wipe out the human race? In this activity, learn how to interrogate sources to separate science fact from fiction. To maximise student achievement, ENGAGE materials use: research-informed pedagogies guided inquiry explicit skills teaching A three-stage path to propel teachers in their own inquiry to become expert with RRI: Adopt, combines exciting learning materials, online community and online courses and workshops for coaching and feedback. Adapt, offers expert’s toolkit of examples, explanations, anecdotes and activities to help students learn effectively. Transform, provides open-ended Projects put teachers and students into partnership with practising scientists, to learn about RRI directly. ENGAGE Project is part of the EU Science in Society Agenda to promote RRI - ‘Responsible Research and Innovation’ This 3 years project (2014 – 2016) aims: To help teachers address contemporary science issues and applications relevant to students To develop teachers’ beliefs, knowledge and classroom practice for ‘RRI’. To provide students a strong foundation to engage in science issues they will meet during their lives ENGAGE provides an online teacher community built around Science-in-the-news and Open curriculum materials Massive Open Online Courses for just-in-time learning Brokering system for creating school-scientist partnerships .