BSCS Final Exam Review
Final Exam Details When? - Thursday June 19th 9:30 am Where? Room 408 What should I bring? pencil 3x5 index card, both sides may be used, no typing Textbook to be turned in at room 360 Unit 7: Packet Completed Final Exam Review Questions (optional) Format - 100 multiple choice questions Slightly weighted to 2nd semester (60-40 split)
Unit 1: Engage and Evolution Review Testable questions/hypothesis Effects of Light on Corn Seedlings Bacterial Resistance Lab Controls Interpreting data
Natural Selection OCVSRS
Unit 2: Ecology Biotic - Abiotic
Symbiotic Relationships Mutualism Parasitism Commensalism
Logistic Exponential Populations Carrying capacity Limiting factors Exponential growth (J-curve) Logistic Growth (S-curve)
Ultimate source of Energy 10% Rule!!!
Food Webs Trophic levels Producers and Consumers
Pyramids Biomagnification
Nutrient Cycles
Nutrient Cycles vs. Energy Flow
Photosynthesis Equation Sun light (energy) 6CO2 + 6H2O C6H12O6 + 6O2 Carbon from atmosphere Organic Carbon (Sugar, Food, Energy) Converted to Cellular Respiration Equation C6H12O6 + 6O2 6CO2 + 6H2O Organic Carbon (Sugar, Food, Energy) Atmospheric Carbon Converted to
Biochemistry and Digestion
Unit 3: Biochemistry and Digestion
Macromolecules Monomer (ex) Polymer (ex) Carbohydrate Glucose,Fructose Sucrose Lipids Glycerol, fatty acids Triglyceride Proteins Amino Acids Nucleic Acids Nucleotide DNA, RNA Glucose + Fructose (Monosaccharide) Dehydration synthesis Sucrose (Disaccharide) Hydrolysis
Enzyme function substrate
Enzymes and pH Enzymes and Temperature
Digestive System
Unit 4: Cells Cell types Cell parts Animal vs. plant Prokaryote vs. eukaryote Cell parts organelles
Selectively permeable membrane Transport proteins
Diffusion and Osmosis
Hypertonic, hypotonic and isotonic
Unit 4: DNA
DNA structure Sugar phosphate backbone Base Paring Hydrogen bonding A-T C-G
Forming mRNA from DNA
Gene expression - Protein Synthesis mRNA Ribosome tRNA Codons Amino acid chains DNA vs. RNA
Unit 5: Reproduction Sexual vs. Asexual
Mitosis vs. Meiosis
Human Reproduction Anatomy Endocrine system Hormones
Unit 6: Genetics Mendel’s Laws
Monohybrid Cross P generation F1 generation F2 generation Phenotype ratio Genotype ratio Homozygous Heterozygous
ABO blood groups
X linked Traits