Give Blood and Give Life!! Drive Wednesday, May 17, 2017 Room 156 from 8am to 1pm Sign up IN CAFETERIA DURING LUNCH EVERYDAY Starting Wednesday, May 10th MUST BE 17 YRS OLD, OR 16 With PARENT PERMISSION to donate. If you did DRC at the February drive, you are not eligible to donate at this drive.
Attention Students Donate 6 times during your high school career and receive a red cord and certificate from Heartland Blood Center Are you close to receiving your cord? See Ms. Alyx to see how close you are Sign up to make sure your donation is counted towards your 6 donations
ROSE It is because of a blood transfusion that I am alive today. In addition, for many years after, I received a treatment based on donated blood product that allowed me to live a semi-normal, happy life. Now, I am a sophomore in high school. I am writing a persuasive speech on blood donation and I thought this would be a good time to thank all donors for giving me, and people like me, the chance to live my life. Even though your donations did not save me personally, I know that without blood donations I would not be here. So thank you for your generosity, and please continue to give. I appreciate it very much :)
Megan When I was 11 I had a major surgery. It did not go as planned and I needed two blood transfusions. I am type 0- and no one in my family had the same type as me. Because of caring people that donated I am alive today and healthy. They saved my life and now I'm here to save others lives.