4 fundamental steps before to start a campaign Global Marcom meeting 4 fundamental steps before to start a campaign Alessandra, Fleur, Kim, Alessandro, Philip, Bart Group name: The cough detectors 4 november 2015
Market segment Market segment; United Kingdom; Dairy Farmers; Large farms > 50 cows Currently utilizing Trouw Nutrition products (CMR; Sprayfo/ Milkivit FOS; Reviva); 2 2
The Big Idea.. Combine Pulmosure with Trouw Nutrition CMR..
Smart objectives Year: 1 – Increase Sprayfo/ Milkivit revenues with 5% within UK. Year: 2 – Gain a market share of 10% of farmers using Pulmosure (or Pulmosure powered products) 4 4
Step 2: Profiling target group Indicate what your target group profile is… Caring Maximum performing Growing
Profiling target group Only one DMU Farmers There are influencers though; Veterinarians Distributors
Initiator Influencer User Decision maker Decision Making Unit terrain map example Initiator Influencer Distributor, Veterinarian, Other Farmers – Learning from each other Distributor, Veterinarian User Decision maker Dairy Farmer Dairy Farmer
Defining most important P & P and themes DMU Pains Pleasures Important themes to connect with (input campaign message) Dairy Farmer Sick calves = less milk yield later in life, treating calves one by one, Pressure on reduction of antibiotics, Less labor costs, less worries, healthier calves, more milk in milk tank Increased productivity through healthier calves
Our value proposition 1. Caring Having healthy calves by reducing antibiotic treatment 2. Maximum performing Optimizing milk production and better performance through healthier calves* 3. Growing Cost effective solution to optimize calf health. *Data available at Trouw Nutrition
Value proposition: brainstorm grid DMU Content topics Tools Services Caring Farmer Healthier calves Coughing detector Application Sales team receives the message advising the farmer Maximum performing Farmer Optimizing milk production Sales team makes a call on the account Growing Providing new calf solutions to optimize health Coughing detector Application, Calculating tool to get more milk Sales team makes a call to schedule a visit from a technical rep
Our campaign story Buying phase Content types Media channels Message (per channel) Pre purchase Purchase Post Purchase Return on investment (ROI) Satisfaction with healthier calves Easy to use Feeling good about your healthy calves Online: Website Click Dimensions e-blast Video demonstrating the use of the app Search Engine Optimization Offline: Technical advice Testimonials Word of Mouth small investment = big results Antibiotics used in calves have a very negative effect on the milk production in the first lactation* You sleepier … ….. they breath easier *Data available at Trouw Nutrition
Loading our Lifestart concept Create a link between Pulmosure & Lifestart; Increase portfolio of LifeStart concept; Increase exposure of Lifestart within UK;
Pulmosure campaign site
Pulmosure campaign App Multichannel marketing ; - Link between Web & App; Ask a sample; Direct ordering via the App;
Disclaimer Jac, for the remaining input a consultancy fee for “the jolly coughers agency” should be expected