A. D. B. C. - ΔNP63α - β-Actin IMEC - SUM-102 - MDA-MB-231 - IMEC P<4.0E-6 P<2.4E-2 P<6.0E-4 - ΔNP63α - β-Actin Adv- P63 - Adv- CTRL - IMEC Supplemental Figure 2| ΔNP63α adenoviral overexpression and siRNA knockdown experiments in mammary and breast cancer cell lines: A) Immunoblot to detect endogenous expression of ΔNP63α in the three cell lines used in this study; IMECs, SUM-102 and MDA-MB-231. B) qRT-PCR analysis to detect the expression of CXCR4 mRNA in IMECs, MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 cells that were infected with a control adenovirus (Adv-Ctrl) or one expressing ΔNP63α (Adv-P63) (Left); Western blot to detect the protein expression of ΔNP63α from the same set of experiments (right). C) SUM-102 cells infected with an empty adenovirus or one encoding ΔNP63α were fixed and immunoflourescent analysis was performed to detect the expression of CXCR4 protein 24 hours post infection. 40x magnification. D) qRT-PCR analysis of IMECs transfected with siRNA-Scr control (siR-Scr) or siRNA against ΔNP63α (siR-P63) to detect the mRNA expression levels of CXCR4 and ΔNP63α. C. Supplemental 2 – DeCastro et al. 2014