Roles of the President GOVT Notes 4-2
1. Head of State State of the Union address Ceremonies, medals & awards
2. Chief Executive Powers of appointment & removal Senate confirms Issues Executive Orders – order by president to enforce existing law
3. Commander-in-Chief War powers (Congress declares war) Discuss going to war, air-strikes, use of drones Addresses national emergencies EX: Hurricanes, Earthquakes, Oil Spills, Alien Invasion
4. Chief Diplomat Power to recognize foreign leaders Power to negotiate treaties Senate must approve treaties Executive Agreements: informal agreements with foreign countries
5. Legislative Leader Suggests legislation (only Congress makes laws) Works with Congress Power of the Veto
6. Judicial Leader Appoint/Nominate Federal Judges Senate must approve choices Power to grant pardons & reprieves (amnesty) Forgive person for crime Cancel punishment
7. Party Leader Supports campaigns of party members Fundraise for political party
8. Economic Planner Guide government spending President can suggest budget-making