Core value- Responsibility 2nd period Core value- Responsibility
What does responsibility mean to you? Discussion What does responsibility mean to you?
Tardies (BE on TIME!!!) Breakfast- 7:30- 8:40 Bell rings at 8:45! Lunch- 11:55-12:40 Bell rings at 12:45! Lunch Detention 1st tardy- lunch detention card (go to assigned room during lunch) 2nd tardy or missed lunch detention (you will be picked up by security) 3rd tardy or missed security pick up ( Afterschool Friday Detention)
Tardy Lockouts What is a tardy Lockout? A tardy lockout is where the teacher closes the door when the tardy bell rings. Students left in hallway are taken to office. Lockouts will be conducted throughout the year randomly (about 2 per week) Students Tardy during a lockout will serve a 30 min detention after school on an assigned date
New attendance policy IF you know you’re leaving school early, you need to inform the attendance office before the bell rings You can bring a note from parent No student will be released 20 minutes before the last bell of the day Therefore, your parents cannot pick you up right before the bell
Attendance Why is attendance Important? (discuss w/ students) What happens if you have 3 or more unexcused absences? Contracts will be given and student will be sent to court if attendance does not improve
What is the Cell Phone Policy? In the building, Phones must be on vibration mode Cell phones will not distract from classroom instruction Cell Phones being used without permission: Teacher will follow PBIS Procedure and call parent Teacher can confiscate a Cell phone and Turn into the office Parents will Pay a $15.00 fee for cellphone pickup Any Device lost or stolen is the sole responsibility of student School faculty or staff assumes no responsibility
Hall Pass Students are not Permitted unless they have a school ID and a Hall Pass Teachers will ask for ID in order to leave the classroom Hall pass will be required if you have tutoring during lunch or a club meeting Students who leave without permission will be marked truant and will serve a 30 min lunch detention
PBIS Procedure What is PBIS? Positive Behavior Intervention and Support What happens if you Misbehave? 1. Student-teacher conference 2. Parent phone Call 3. PBIS Referral 4. Parent-Teacher-Administrator conference 5. Office Referral
What do you want to be when you grow up? You can have kids share out (all or some)
Class Discussion Do you like to have money? If so, Why? Do you want to graduate high school? College? Why Should you graduate? What benefits come with graduation? Is there a correlation between having money and having an education?
Remember we’re here to help guide you to graduation If you have questions about your graduation plan, who can you contact? Take out a sheet of paper to take notes
Who is your counselor? A-ga Crystal Saucedo Ge-O Michelle Barron P-z Aviella Frilot Counseling center is located on first floor by trophies and mailboxes
What do you need to graduate? You need a total of 26 Credits, depending on graduation Plan You must Pass ALL core classes including science, English, Math, and history classes For example, if you do not pass biology, you cannot graduate Electives and PE credits are more flexible but also must be passed to get credit For example, if you don’t pass an elective, it may be replaced with another elective credit, as long as it falls under your pathway You Must Pass ALL STAAR Eoc Exams
How do you check your credits? Copy the following important notes: Go to Login Username: School username Password: DOB (YYYYMMDD) Here you can see credit earned, state exams scores, etc. If you have a device login and explore the tabs
What grade are you? 9th grade (0-6 credits)
How do you know your grade? Copy the following important notes: Go to Login Username: School username Password: DOB (YYYYMMDD) Here you can see attendance and your current grade in all classes If you have a device login and explore
Tutoring (state your tutoring policy) Tutoring is available before and afterschool (ask your teacher) Mandatory tutoring for failing classes will begin sept. 3, 2018 Mandatory tutoring is from 4-5 pm (most likely in cafeteria)
Classroom Responsibility Examples include: Getting notes and work when you’re absent Follow all classroom rules Follow dress code Ask questions if you don’t understand Pick up any trash No headphones to hear instruction Come up with your own examples
Laptop Responsibility Examples Include: Never leave your laptop unattended (yes, your laptop has trackers) Don’t drop or throw laptop Be gentle Don’t draw or tag on laptop Keep track of your charger (recommend writing name on charger) Come up with more examples
Material Responsibility Come prepared to class Come ready to learn Take care of classroom materials Take care of classroom technology Take care of desks or lab tables Be proud of your school Come up with your own examples