IEEE-SA and GDPR Implementation Public Availability of Personal Data
Agenda Personal Data Changes in Data Privacy IEEE-SA and Your Personal Data IEEE-SA Policies and Procedures Personal Data Permitted to be made Publicly Available IEEE Personal Email Alias
Personal Data What constitutes personal data? The GDPR applies to ‘personal data’ meaning any information relating to an identifiable person who can be directly or indirectly identified in particular by reference to an identifier. This definition provides for a wide range of personal identifiers to constitute personal data, including name, identification number, location data or online identifier, reflecting changes in technology and the way organisations collect information about people. Source:
Personal Data What types of Personal Data could be collected through your interaction with IEEE? Your name and contact details Date of birth (IEEE Member Benefit - Senior Member consideration) Online profile data/usage Emergency contact information (IEEE events) Social media profile information Copies of identification documents (Visa letters) Education and professional information Communication information including IEEE Online Support and Contact Center communications Purchasing and payment information Registration and participation in IEEE events and activities Subscription preferences Information about the device(s) you use Information about service usage Cookies Authentication data Location information Author and peer review information Other information you upload or provide to us NOTE: Only information required for your specific interaction would be collected
Changes in Data Privacy Change in perspective Reduce the amount of personal data collected, and limit to what is needed Obtain consent for use of the data you collect and distribution to other parties Limit access to personal data to only those who need that access Reduce the possibility of unauthorized access to that data (remove, anonymize, or encrypt) Secure the data you collect Delete the data when possible Change in actions Change in the way you collect data, including the requirement to obtain consent Change in the tools you use, as the tools themselves will need to be compliant Change in communication, as the type of communication is determined by the person’s interaction with IEEE Change in process of using personal data, as consent has to be mapped to use Change in responsiveness, as requests to “unsubscribe” will need to be honored promptly and any breach will need to be immediately reported
IEEE-SA and Your Personal Data IEEE-SA will collect the following information during standards developing activities Your name and contact details (name, email, mailing address, affiliation(s) including employer(s)) Emergency contact information (IEEE-SA events) Copies of identification documents (Visa letters for Fellowship Program) Education and professional information (Awards submissions) Purchasing and payment information (Registration and IEEE Standards purchases) Registration and participation in IEEE events and activities (Standards meetings) Authentication data (Access to IEEE-SA tools) Author information (Contributions to IEEE Standards activities) Other information you upload or provide to us Personal Data that IEEE-SA collects is for the purposes of Meeting the Imperative Principles of Consensus Standards Development (Openness, Due Process, Balance, Consensus, Right of Appeal, Transparency) Complying with IEEE-SA Policies and Procedures Legal and Accreditation Purposes Patent Review Transactions IEEE and IEEE-SA Membership Benefits
IEEE-SA Policies and Procedures Disclosure of Affiliation (see of the IEEE-SASB Ops Man) Standards participants have an obligation to disclose their affiliation(s), which includes employer(s) and any other affiliation(s). Each participant’s affiliation(s) shall be disclosed during any standards development activity. Whenever an individual is aware that the ownership of his or her affiliation(s) may be material to the process, or when the Sponsor or the IEEE-SA Standards Board requests, that individual shall also declare the "ultimate parent entity" of their affiliation(s). Standards Coordinating Committees (see 4.5 of the IEEE-SASB Ops Man) The chair of an SCC (types 1 and 2) shall submit a written report each year to the IEEE-SA Standards Board for approval. This report should contain the scope, activities, budget and expenses, and meeting schedules, along with the list of participants in standards projects during the prior year. The list shall indicate the IEEE membership status and society affiliation of each member of the SCC.
IEEE-SA Policies and Procedures Officers of Standards Development Activities In order to fulfill their responsibilities as officers of standards development activities, where any interested party can request to participate, and Working Group activities are open and transparent, Sponsor and Working Group officers need to make some contact information available publicly, including for public calls for participation. Listing of Sponsor and Working Group Members (see 3.4.3 and 4.8 of the Baseline Sponsor P&Ps) A current and accurate Sponsor membership list shall be maintained. The membership list may be posted on the Sponsor web site and may be publicly distributed. The membership list shall be limited to the following: Title of the Committee and its designation Scope of the Committee Officers: Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, Treasurer Members: (for all) Name, affiliation The Working Group Secretary is responsible for maintaining a current list of the names of the voting members and distributing it to the members upon request. Minutes of Standards Development Meetings (see of the IEEE- SASB Ops Man) The minutes of each Working Group or other subgroup meeting shall record a list of participants in the meeting, and the disclosed affiliation(s) of each participant. Minutes may be made publicly available.
IEEE-SA Policies and Procedures Listing of Ballot Group Members (see 5.4 of the IEEE-SASB Ops Man) A request for a Sponsor ballot group membership list shall be submitted to the Sponsor Chair…For individual based balloting, the supplied membership list shall consist of each member’s name, affiliation, and interest category. For entity-based balloting, the supplied membership list shall consist of each entity’s name, the entity’s designated primary voting representative (and, if designated, the alternate voting representative), entity affiliation, and entity interest category. Listing in Front Matter of Standards (see 8.1 of the IEEE-SASB Ops Man) Working group members and ballot group members are listed in the front matter of the published IEEE standard. For entity-based standards, entities are listed and may be accompanied by the individual representing the entity.
Personal Data Permitted to be Made Publicly Available Name and Affiliation(s) of all standards development participants Ultimate Parent Entity of Affiliation(s) In addition… Standards Coordinating Committee participants (IEEE membership status and Society affiliation) Sponsor and Working Group Membership Status Interest Category of Sponsor Balloting Group Member Sponsor and Working Group Officer(s) Contact Information (e.g., email)
IEEE Personal Email Alias Sponsor and Working Group Officers can request an IEEE alias to be used for their responsibilities rather than using a personal email If you are an IEEE member and would prefer not to have your personal email listed, you can request an IEEE personal email alias
Contact For questions about IEEE-SA and use of Personal Data in IEEE standards development activities IEEE-SA Data Privacy Team IEEE 445 Hoes Lane Piscataway, NJ 08854 T: 732-562-3800