Interpretive Sociology Meaning is the key to learning about humans and their behavior.
Do NOT just observe but INTERPRET! Weber ….. We ACT for a reason! Do NOT just observe but INTERPRET!
Interpretive Sociology is…………… Study of society that focuses on the meanings people attach to their social world.
Differences between: Scientific Sociology Interpretive Sociology
Scientific Sociology Focuses on Actions Sees an objective reality “out there” Tends to favor quantitative data – numerical measurements of people’s behavior
Best completed in a laboratory setting where you can measure the research and see the results as they happen. They can stand back and take careful measurements.
Interpretive Sociology Focuses on the meaning people attach to their actions. Sees reality constructed by people themselves in the course of their everyday lives. Tends to favor qualitative data – how people understand their surroundings.
Best completed in a natural setting where the interaction among the investigators and people can take place. This helps them make sense of their everyday lives
Verstehen The German word for………. Understanding
Interpretive Sociologists …… Do not just observe WHAT people do But…… Also try to understand WHY they do it.
The thoughts and feelings of subjects are the focus The thoughts and feelings of subjects are the focus. They are hard to measure but necessary to “understand the why”.