Make the connection ?
Mark Zuckerberg, U.S. Age 23 $1.5 billion, self-made Tech's newest golden boy founded addictive social-networking site Facebook in February 2004 from his Harvard dorm room.
Hind Hariri, Lebanon Age 24 $1.1 billion, inherited Sister of Aymin and Fahd, Hariri inherited a stake in family's construction, media and banking holdings. First debuted on our billionaires list two years ago at age 22. Fell off and now returns, making her the world's youngest female billionaire. Hariri is a fashionista who recently attended Paris fashion shows and reportedly favors the designer Chanel.
Shivinder Singh, India Age: 32 $2.5 billion, inherited Singh and his older brother Malvinder, 35, both Duke University grads, inherited control of generic drug maker Ranbaxy Laboratories. We list the duo as sharing a $2.5 billion fortune because they won't break out the ownership details for us. What we know: Malvinder heads Ranbaxy, while Shivinder runs hospital chain Fortis Healthcare, which went public in 2007.
© ImagineChinaXiaofeng Peng, China Age 33 $2.5 billion, self-made It's easy being green for Peng. The relative youngster got into solar energy only in 2005. Two years later, he took his company, LDK Solar, which makes silicon wafers used in solar panels, public on NYSE Euronext
Who wants to be a billionaire? All four of the previous slides showed billionaires who are some of the youngest with that wealth. What could a billion pounds buy you? Who are the celebrity billionaires? Where do most billionaires live? Visit the Forbes website to look at the latest updates on what money can buy. Have students list the top ten things that they would own etc. Get students to list ten celebrity billionaires and then check against the Forbes celebrity list. There are also celebrity videos, they always start with an advert but after that some are quite interesting.
Where do most billionaires live? 1) USA (432) 2) Germany (55) 3) Russia (53) 4) India (36) 5) UK (29) 6) Turkey (25) 7) Japan (24) 8) Canada (23) 9) Hong Kong (21) 10) Brazil, Spain, China (20) 11) France (15) 12) Saudi Arabia (13) 13) Australia (12) 14) South Korea (10) 15) Mexico (10) Where do most billionaires live?
Where do most billionaires live? You are going to explore the link between a country’s wealth and the number of billionaires that live their. You will need a world map, graph paper and an instruction sheet. At the end you will know where the best place to live is if you want to be a billionaire and you will also have conquered two ways of presenting data.
Key Questions Is there an equal distribution of billionaires? (consider general trends, where are there the most/least, are there any anomalies or outliers?) Does the number of billionaires have an impact on the wealth of a country? Why?