After you have been “Diagnosed” answer the following questions... Find the other person in the class with the same personality disorder and answer the following questions on one sheet. What type of symptoms do you think you will experience? How would this affect your life personally? How do you think your friends and family would react to you being diagnosed with this? Would they act differently towards you?
The Anxiety Disorders They affect over 50 million people over age 18 in the United States Many have a median onset as early as 13 years of age Indirect and direct economic costs associated with treatment of anxiety disorder was $46.6 billion as late as 2004-COSTS HAVE RISEN A LOT SINCE THEN!
The Anxiety Disorders Panic attack Panic Disorder without agoraphobia Panic Disorder with agoraphobia Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Substance induced Anxiety Disorder Post-traumatic Stress Disorder Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Panic Attack A discrete period in which there is the sudden onset of intense apprehension, fearfulness, or terror, often associated with feeling of impending doom.
Criteria for Panic Attack 1) palpitations, pounding heart, or accelerated heart rate 2) sweating 3) trembling or shaking 4) sensations of shortness of breath or smothering 5) feeling of choking
Agoraphobia Is anxiety about, or avoidance of, places or situations from which escape might be difficult (or embarrassing).
Specific Phobia Is characterized by clinically significant anxiety provoked by exposure to a specific feared object or situation, often leading to avoidance behavior.
Social Phobia Is characterized by clinically significant anxiety provoked by exposure to certain types of social or performance situations, often leading to avoidance behaviors.
Obsessive-Compulsive Is characterized by obsessions (which cause marked anxiety or distress) and/or by compulsions (which serve to neutralize anxiety).
Posttraumatic Stress Is characterized by the re-experiencing of an extremely traumatic event accompanied by symptoms of increased arousal and by avoidance of stimuli associated with the trauma.
Acute Stress Is characterized by symptoms similar to those of Posttraumatic Stress that occur immediately in the aftermath of an extremely traumatic event.
Generalized Anxiety Is characterized by at least 6 months of persistent and excessive anxiety and worry.
Phobia vs. Fear Phobia: an extreme fear of a particular thing or situation, especially one that cannot be reasonably explained. Fear : an unpleasant emotion or thought that you have when you are frightened or worried by something dangerous, painful or bad that is happening or might happen.
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Rapid Assessment instruments Common characteristics: Brief Easy to administer Easy to score Easy to interpret Little knowledge of testing procedure needed Most are self-report Most are done in 15 minutes
Obsessional Beliefs Questionnaire (OBQ) 87 item 7 point, likert-based questionnaire that assesses beliefs considered characteristic of obsessive thinking.
THE CONTAMINATION COGNITIONS SCALE (CCS) assesses the overestimation of threat from potentially contaminated objects.
OBSESSIVE-COMPULSIVE INVENTORY (OCI) 42 item self-report measure of the frequency of OCD symptoms and distress experienced from them in the past month.
THE OBSESSIVE-COMPULSIVE TRAIT CORE DIMENSIONS QUESTIONNAIRE (OC-TCDQ) 20 item self report measure compromised of two subscales which assess compulsive behaviors in OCD---harm avoidance and incompleteness
The Yale-Brown Obsessive-compulsive Scale 10 item, 5-point Likert scale measuring the severity and frequency of obsessions and compulsions experienced during a day.
Cognitive-Somatic Anxiety Questionnaire (CSAQ) 14 item instrument that focuses thoughts ands somatic modes of trait anxiety and is used to assess the presence of general anxiety in situations.
The Penn Inventory for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PI-PTSD) 26 item, 3-point Likert, self-report measurement that assesses DSM-IV symptoms of PTSD for multiple traumatic experiences. To obtain scale, contact Melvyn Hammarberg, PhD Department of Anthropology University of Pennsylvania 325 University Museum 33rd and Spruce Street Philadelphia, PA 19104-6398
The Los Angeles Symptom Checklist (LASC) 43 item, 5-point Likert, self-report measure associated with 17 DSM symptoms embedded in the scale and items measuring general distress.
The Screen for Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms (SPTSS) 17 item, 11 point Likert, self-report measure used to measure and assess DSM-IV symptoms of PTSD. Useful for those multi-traumatic events and unknown trauma history.
The Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) 21 item self report inventory.
References Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders fourth edition. (2000). Arlington, VA.: American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc. Dziegielewski, S.F. (2010). Dsm-iv-tr in action 2nd edition. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons
References Mayo Clinic Staff, (2010). Treatments and drugs. Mayo clinic. Retrieved October 25, 2010, from Autism research asd-carc. (2007). Retrieved from