Owls’ Reading Parent Workshop Monday 15th October
Supporting with reading ~ when your child is stuck Encourage them to use phonic knowledge Encourage them to use clues from the sentence/ paragraph Ask them to check if they can break the word down into smaller parts Use a dictionary if they are unsure of word meaning Tell them the word if it is interrupting their reading flow!
Supporting your child at home ~ fluent readers Children are expected to be fluent readers by Years 5 and 6. The focus of reading becomes much more about understanding of texts instead of ability to read words. Ask your children to summarise what has happened in the book/ section they have read Ask your child to predict what they think will happen next ~ why? Encourage your child to use clues from the text to explain character’s thoughts and motives Ask children to identify how events are linked in texts (e.g. this happened because earlier……) Check your children understand the words they are reading Ask your children how this compares with other books they have read ~ look for similarities and differences Ask your children why they think particular words are used/ what impact these have
Reading in school ~ what we do The children regularly read aloud to the class (around 3 times a week) Reading lessons in English ~ this is when reading is taught ~ focus on inference, word meaning, making links across the text, using evidence from the text, impact of language choices, sequencing events, distinguishing between fact and opinion and comparing texts Reading independently ~ this is when reading is assessed and some skills are modelled ~ children will be asked a range of questions based on the section of text they have read Reading tests ~ the children will be doing practise reading tests half termly
What to read Suggested reading list Non-fiction books and leaflets Poetry books Newspapers, magazines and annuals Listening to audiobooks/ someone else read can also help to increase the children’s understanding of different text types and passion for reading
Other useful things… http://www.satspapers.org.uk/ ~ a website where you can download past SATs papers The children will all have some CGP reading comprehension books to bring home and work on throughout the year Remember to use libraries ~ Thetford library, Bury St Edmunds library, Ixworth library, etc. Remember the children can have access to a range or ebooks and online magazines with a library card. Oxford Owl have several free audiobooks separated into age groups and/ or book types ~ you will need to register for this (free registration) https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/for-home/find-a-book/library-page/
Any questions?