How to Prepare an Insoluble Salt (precipitate) by Precipitation Step 1 Mix the 2 soluble salts together, so they react together Step 2 Filter the mixture, to separate the products produced (soluble & insoluble salt produced) PRODUCT Insoluble salt REACTANT Soluble salt REACTANT Soluble salt PRODUCT Soluble salt PRODUCT Insoluble salt PRODUCT Soluble salt Step 3 Wash the insoluble salt on the filter paper Step 4 Dry the insoluble salt in a warm oven You will prepare an insoluble salt by reacting together 20 cm3 of lead nitrate solution and 20 cm3 of potassium iodide solution Write the symbol equation: __________________ + __________________ __________________ + _________________ What is the name of the precipitate (insoluble salt) produced? __________________________ What colour is this precipitate?___________________________