Let’s Create a Sprite! Delete the existing sprite Right-click and select “Delete”
Create a new Sprite Locate the “Create New Sprite” tool button. To the left are all the commands, similar to the Paint program. Select to create a new sprite. Bring up a Paint Window. ShallWeLearn | http://shallwelearn.com
Create a new Sprite Click the Ellipse tool Select Hollow Mode Make Three Circles ShallWeLearn | http://shallwelearn.com
Create a new Sprite Click the Ellipse tool Select Solid Mode Make the Inner Eye Click the Eraser Tool Trim the small circle to make an ear ShallWeLearn | http://shallwelearn.com
Create a new Sprite Click the Stamp Tool Set a box around the eye Drag the eyeball to a new location and click Repeat for the ear ShallWeLearn | http://shallwelearn.com
Create a new Sprite Use the Select Tool to Move the Eyes and Ear. Use the Flip tool to correct the ear. ShallWeLearn | http://shallwelearn.com
Create a new Sprite Use the Line Tool to add hair, arms, legs, clothes. Looking Good!! ShallWeLearn | http://shallwelearn.com
Create Costumes Right Click Select “duplicate” And new costume will be created identical to the first. ShallWeLearn | http://shallwelearn.com
Animate Costumes with minor changes will make the best animation. Use the Erase Tool to remove and adjust different parts. ShallWeLearn | http://shallwelearn.com
Costume Ideas ShallWeLearn | http://shallwelearn.com