Reading prompts This is a useful prompt to ensure that Reading is covered and taught effectively towards the 40-60 month age band.
Reading Extend the children’s reading focus by creating an ‘Author of the week’ interactive display. Provide a variety of books and genres for the children to access. In the book corner ensure that there is a variety of genres available and create a small book review area with blank book reviews available. Create a class vote on their favourite book each week. Children to write their name on the interactive voting display and the winning book can be read to the whole class. Provide story time with the children every day. Allow children to relate the stories to their own personal experiences and ask questions about what they are listening to. Talk about the characters, structure, words and main events of the story. Make sure that a wide variety of books are being read and don’t be afraid to engage the listener through props, animation and expression. Make sure guided or individual reading is carried out at least once a week with a designated adult. Ensure that all stations in the setting have books available for the children to refer to. Construction/ malleable- cars, buildings, aeroplanes, mechanics Home corner- doctors, vets, cooking books, recipes, magazines. Reading / writing - magazines, comics, information texts, fiction. Maths- shape books, number, patterns, Small world- animals, people, holidays, environments Reading Continues rhyming string Hears and says the initial sound in words Can segment the sounds in simple words ad blend them together and knows which letters represent some of them Links sounds and letters, naming ad sounding the letters of the alphabet. Begins to read words and simple sentences Uses vocabulary and forms of speech that are increasingly influenced by their experience of books. Enjoys an increasing range of books. Knows that information can be retrieved from books and computers. Create an inviting book corner, go with the child's interest and follow the theme e.g. space, under the sea, forest. Ensure that it is welcoming by providing ascetics e.g. cushions, bean bags, cuddly bears, listen station, story bags. Make sure that the book corner has a wide variety of genres, book sizes and topics.