Wednesday, November 19th, 2014 Standards: Analyze an author’s choices; Determine the meaning of words and phrases; Analyze a particular POV Target: Scholars will read a short story and then write a narrative Activator: Journal and video Work: Read short story and write a short story Closing: Share stories!
Activator Birth to 12 in under 3 minutes! Journal 23: Journal 23: Think about your very first day of school ever. Not your first day this year, but your first day of Kindergarten. What were you like? What do you remember? Did your parents take you to school? Did you ride the bus? Where did you go to school? Do you remember your teacher or your classmates? What did you do, what were you wearing, how did you feel, what was it like?
Work Session Welcome to Tuesday, everyone!! Today we will begin by reflecting a bit. Everyone close your eyes and think back...back...way back. With those things from your journal in mind, we're going to read a story from our book called "Half a Day." Open the books and let's read together...
After we finish the story, I want you to look at the first critical reading question in the book. It asks about what happens to the child in the story. Answer just that one question for me. Why do you think the author chose to manipulate time that way? What was his purpose in writing this story? How does making time pass in an odd way help his purpose? We're going to explore this more by writing our own story inspired by "Half a Day." For the rest of class, I want you to compose a short story about your first day of kindergarten that ends with you as you are today. So you start off as a five year old and end with you as a 15 year old. You can transition between the two times in any way you want.
Closing Anyone want to share their stories?!