Fraction Fun
The bottom number of a fraction will always be the total number you are working with. In this picture we are working with four rectangles. So the bottom number will be four.
How many of the rectangles are blue How many of the rectangles are blue? That’s right 3 are blue so your fraction will look like this … 3 4
You would say three-fourths of the rectangles are blue.
Let’s try a new problem. Write a fraction to show how many blue circles there are.
Remember the bottom number will be the total number of circles you are working with.
Your fraction should look like this… 3 4 You would say that three-fourths of your circles are blue.
How many squares are blue How many squares are blue? Write a fraction to show how many squares are blue.
That’s right 4 out of 5 squares are blue That’s right 4 out of 5 squares are blue. You would say four-fifths of the squares are blue.
Your fraction should look like this… 4 5