Name: ______________________________________ Fraction Fun Directions: Shade each of the following pictures to match the fraction given. 2 1 1. 3. 6 5 1 1 1 3 7 1 2. 4. 1 4 10 1 1 1 1 1 Directions: Drawn a line matching each picture to the correct fraction. 6 8 2 8 1 8
Directions: Read each question below Directions: Read each question below. Draw a picture to show your answer. Jordan dropped a carton of eggs on the counter. He saw that 5/12 of the eggs were cracked. Use the picture below to show the eggs that were cracked. Rebecca looked at a pan of brownies that her mom made. She saw that 3/10 of the brownies were left. Shade the picture below to show the brownies that were left. Look at the spinner. Shade 1/8 green. Shade 3/8 yellow. Shade 2/8 blue. Shade 2/8 red.
Fraction Fun – Answer Key Directions: Shade each of the following pictures to match the fraction given. 2 1 1. 3. 6 5 3 7 2. 4. 4 10 Directions: Drawn a line matching each picture to the correct fraction. 6 8 2 8 1 8
Answer Key Jordan dropped a carton of eggs on the counter. He saw that 5/12 of the eggs were cracked. Use the picture below to show the eggs that were cracked. Rebecca looked at a pan of brownies that her mom made. She saw that 3/10 of the brownies were left. Shade the picture below to show the brownies that were left. Look at the spinner. Shade 1/8 green. Shade 3/8 yellow. Shade 2/8 blue. Shade 2/8 red.