LANGUAGE ARTS 8 Q1W8 OCTOBER 19-23, 2015 MRS. NABULSI Book report due Nov. 9. Create a JEOPARDY game from the template . Have 25 questions and answers about the characters, conflicts, setting, quotes, symbols and or theme. , Voc. Test 5 Thursday October 23 Study for test on
DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE MISSION STATEMENT VISION STATEMENT Educate, engage and empower each student to succeed in a dynamic world. To be among the World’s leaders in education, enriching the lives of military-connected students and the communities in which they live.
HUMPHREYS MIDDLE/HIGH SCHOOL Mission Statement Vision Statement Educate , engage, and empower each student to succeed in a dynamic world Helping students to be life-long learners equipped with skills for success in a changing world.
ADVANCED GOALS Reading Writing To help students read for understanding and build their comprehension skills. to help students to summarize by creating strong topic sentences, clear detail sentences and a supporting conclusion.
MONDAY, OCTOBER 19, 2015 CNN What is due this week: Vocabulary test 5; Lessons 4-5 worksheets, Cornell notes in Journal for on Front Page, Editorial page, feature page. Quiz over each page. Begin research on next project.
PATRIOT PEN Book Report - Fiction 1. Official Rules for Patriot Pen 2. Last day to turn in. Will be given to ROTC instructor today. 3. For grade, students can turn in graphic organizer, handwritten, rubric, and final draft. Book Report - Fiction
Option 2 - Make a Jeopardy game -25 questions and answers . files/262x513xburgerlargeexample.jpg.pagespeed.ic.2ATRl55_aq.jpg Option 1 Create a hamburger or some type of layered sandwich with each layer representing Option 2 - Make a Jeopardy game -25 questions and answers .
Option 2 - Jeopardy Game Download Template 25 questions and answers about the fictional book you read for your book report. This is prep for your Jeopardy game. 5 question about each of the following categories from simple to difficult. 5 - setting 5 - Potpourri (POV, symbols, author, chain of events) 5 - characters /answer comes first and then the question. Make 5 - conflicts sure only one possible question could give that answer 5 - Quotes
Monday, October 19 CNN Journal Explanation of Book Report options. Check google mail Analogies - take notes Edit It - Introductory clauses Daily Fix-It - “While still a teen-ager, said Lou, Millay published several poems in “St. Nicholas” a magisine for child” Cornell notes on The Front Page of the newspaper. Label the Stars and Stripes. This will be for a grade,
WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 2015 CNN Journal Analogies - take notes Edt - It - Fix-it - Sam asked “she winned a prize for a poem called Renasance when she was ninteen, didnt she. Cornell Notes - The Editorial Page
Friday, October 23, 2015 Vocabulary Test 5 - Exercise 4-5 due, Test over 1-5 next Thursday. CNN Idiom Analogies - Take notes Group work on in-house editorial and letter-to- the-editor reaction. es
VOCABULARY TEST 5 (Test over lessons 1-5 10/30) Lesson 5 –Hot Words from SAT 1. callous 2. carping 3. cajole 4. celestial 5. capricious 6. catharsis 7.catalyst 8. capitulate 9. censure 10. caustic
New Project - Due November 19 Website Link Option 1 Option 2 Select a candidate running for the presidency and find out his/her views on the major issues. Create a bumper sticker for this candidate that reflects one of the logical fallacies and three campaign slogans Three 30-second commercials each with a different logical fallacy. Then create a fourth that is totally factual. Look at one major issue and the views of the candidates on that issue (i.e. gun control). Then create three 30-second commercials for three different candidates each commercial showing a different logical fallacy for three different candidates. Then create a fourth commercial that has no logical fallacy for a fourth candidate.
Logical Fallacies Link Poster