IFTA, INC. STRATEGIC PLAN IFTA ANNUAL BUSINESS MEETING JULY 16, 2009 Manchester, NH Robert Turner (MT) IFTA, Inc. Board of Trustees Managed by the International Fuel Tax Association, Inc.
Managed by the International Fuel Tax Association, Inc. Vision Statement The model organization striving for full partner cooperation and member compliance. Managed by the International Fuel Tax Association, Inc.
Managed by the International Fuel Tax Association, Inc. Mission Statement To foster trust and cooperation among the jurisdictions through efficient and effective planning and coordination and oversight of activities necessary to administer the International Fuel Tax Agreement for the betterment of the members and our partners. Managed by the International Fuel Tax Association, Inc.
Managed by the International Fuel Tax Association, Inc. Most Recent Planning Session The most recent strategic planning session of the IFTA, Inc. Board of Trustees was held in conjunction with the 4Q08 Board Meeting. Managed by the International Fuel Tax Association, Inc.
Managed by the International Fuel Tax Association, Inc. Review of Strategic Plan Following a complete review of the current Strategic Plan, the Board determined that no changes were required to: The Vision Statement The Mission Statement The Goals Managed by the International Fuel Tax Association, Inc.
Managed by the International Fuel Tax Association, Inc. Goals The goals and resulting objectives of the organization continue to focus on: Partnerships Management of IFTA, Inc. Utilizing technology Assertively pursuing compliance Education and awareness Managed by the International Fuel Tax Association, Inc.
Managed by the International Fuel Tax Association, Inc. Projects to Meet Goals Full implementation of the Clearinghouse Computer-based training for jurisdictions Pursuing technology opportunities and objectives Investigating and analyzing the capabilities of GPS and other electronic positioning systems Developing a complete history of IFTA including a history of the motor carrier industry Updating and improving the annual report database Combining training opportunities with IRP, Inc. Managed by the International Fuel Tax Association, Inc.
Managed by the International Fuel Tax Association, Inc. Projects to Meet Goals Providing license revocation data to roadside through Nlets Finalizing the combined IFTA/IRP Review project Conducting an electronic IFTA program compliance review Developing a best practices guide for IFTA committee chairs Develop on-line IFTA commissioner training Continue pursuing roadside enforcement opportunities Managed by the International Fuel Tax Association, Inc.
Managed by the International Fuel Tax Association, Inc. Projects to Meet Goals Finalizing enforcement of PCRC Final Determinations of Non-Compliance Develop an audit strategy for the future Improving communications with committee chairs. The committee chairs will attend the 4Q09 Board Meeting. Managed by the International Fuel Tax Association, Inc.
Managed by the International Fuel Tax Association, Inc. Questions? Managed by the International Fuel Tax Association, Inc.