YouthTruth and Housing Surveys Overview March 20, 2018
Hearing From Our Community Students, Staff and Families YouthTruth Survey
Novato Unified Community Members Who did we hear from? We heard from over 7,500 (7,513 to be exact) Novato Unified Community Members 5,188 students across on their school’s climate and culture (90% response rate across the district!) 1,778 parents/guardians about their perceptions of their child’s school 547 staff about their experience working in their school
Student Responses
Parent/Guardian (Family) Responses
Staff Responses
Accessing YouthTruth Survey Results Login: Password: youthtruthnusd
Survey Themes Family School Culture Communications & Feedback Engagement & Empowerment Relationships School Safety Resources Students Classroom Culture Student Engagement Personal Relationships Academic Rigor Relevance Instructional Materials Staff Culture & Communication Engagement & Empowerment Relationships Professional Development & Support
Themes Rated the Highest Staff Students Family Elementary Relationships and Engagement and Empowerment Personal Relationships and Student Engagement Relationships and School Culture Middle Engagement and Empowerment and Relationships Academic Rigor and Student Engagement High Academic Rigor and Relationships with Peers
Themes Rated the Lowest Staff Students Family Elementary Professional Development and Support and Culture and Communication Relevance and Classroom Culture Resources and School Safety Middle School Culture and Relationships with Peers Communication and Feedback and Resources High Culture and Communication and Professional Development and Support College & Career Readiness and School Culture
Lots of information!
Share the analysis! Student Advocacy Councils: Personal Relationships & Student Engagement District Advisory Committee: Divided into 5 themes and gave each group a theme to analyze. Student Services & Bullying Healthy Novato:
Aware of Equity Imperative?
Aware of Graduate Profile?
Next Steps Continue to work with District Advisory Committee, Students, Parent Groups, etc. on themes that scored low to conduct further analysis and identity trim tabs Equity Imperative: revise and increase visibility, communication, and focus Graduate Profile: produce graphic for every classroom to increase visibility, communication, and focus
Attracting and Retaining Talent NUSD Housing
We administered a district survey to evaluate staff needs Why? Provide the highest level of education for our students Compete to be the top District in the County Retain current talent Attract top talent Maintain staff’s work-life balance (live in the community they serve) Add value to NUSD as a workplace We administered a district survey to evaluate staff needs
57%, or 59 Respondents, said that the Reasons 57%, or 59 Respondents, said that the Inability to Find Affordable Housing was one of the primary reasons that would influence decision to leave NUSD 63%, or 130 Respondents, are considering leaving NUSD within the next five years due to housing costs
Who responded?
Commute 53%, or 198 Respondents, 93%, or 431 Respondents, Drive Alone travel between 20-90 minutes - one-way 93%, or 431 Respondents, Drive Alone
77%, or 240 Respondents, said that Rental or Home Prices are Too High Why not live closer? 77%, or 240 Respondents, said that Rental or Home Prices are Too High
Are you interested?
Of those that are interested
What about purchase option
Next steps City of Novato conducted housing survey and received similar results MCF, Haas Foundation, and City of Novato funding Feasibility Study: March - June 2018 Community meetings and outreach: March - June 2018 Request for quote/proposal: July - August 2018
Feasibility Study to Include Title Report and copies of all easements Boundary Survey (identify encroachments) Aerial Topographic Survey Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation Phase 1 Environmental Study Biological Assessment Archeological Records & Initial Surface survey