Lincoln High School Football Quarterback Club Parent Meeting May 1, 2018
Quarterback Club Board President Kiki Peters VP of Operations Christopher Larry VP of Fundraising/Marketing Shelley Green Treasurer Shirley Paul Secretary & Communication Angela Harris Website Marko Skaria Head Coach Quinn Gray
Since We Last Met April Meeting PowerPoint emailed Lincoln Trojan Website went live Monday, April 23rd
Quarterback Club Finances Since We Last Met Quarterback Club Finances April 9, 2018 May 1, 2018 $3,782.54 $7,489.51 Increase + $3,706.97
In the Game Season Passes Great Deal Reduce wait time at Ticket Counter Eliminate Cash Hassles
Spring Jamboree Booster Tailgate In the Game Spring Jamboree Booster Tailgate Boosters will receive: a meal sponsored by Millers Ale House a Trojan Tailgate goodie bag Shade Table Seating Drinks Fellowship Games and Prizes Starts at 5:00 p.m. Members with a Booster pass will receive dinner catered by Miller's Ale House, and a Trojan Tailgate goodie bag. Families can enjoy shade, table seating, drinks, dinner, cornhole, hula hoop contests, and other games and activities Get to know fellow football parents and our community sponsors. Tailgate starts at 5p special entrance for Boosters. Boosters will be allowed to purchase Tickets for the game ahead of game day.
Spring Jamboree Spirit Tent In the Game Spring Jamboree Spirit Tent Spirit Tent Coordinator - Christopher Green Need Four (4) Volunteers SignUp Genius SignUp through SignUp Genius Email will be sent out within the next few days
Spring Jamboree Concessions In the Game Spring Jamboree Concessions Concessions Coordinator – Terinda Watson Need Ten (10) Volunteers SignUp Genius
In the Game Pay Online through Lincoln Trojan Website Trojan/Alumni - $75 Green Trojan - $100 Golden Trojan - $150 Trojan Elite - $200* * $50 monthly payment plan available
In the Game Sponsors 180 Consulting Ag-Pro, John Deere Dr. Beck, Smiles by Beck Heather Burch Orthodontics Carroll and Company Renee Glennon, Realtor Hobbit American Grill East Immanuel Baptist Church M&M Monogramming Macork Solutions Miller's Ale House Naturally U LLC Papa John’s Prime Meridian Bank Rori the Realtor Super Lube Tidewater Consulting, Inc. Truck N Car Concepts Wantman Group
In the Game
In the Game Sponsorships Needed Commit to One Business Options Option 1 – Parents Do Some Work Engage the Business Provide Corporate Sponsorship Packet Option 2 - QBC Board Does the Work Name of Business Contact Name Email Address Phone Number
In the Game Media Guide Ads Commemorate High quality your senior’s last year, or wish a player a great season High quality Available at beginning of season Payment and Artwork Due June 29, 2018 Player Ads - NOT JUST FOR SENIORS - Commemorate your senior's last season or wish your favorite player good luck! Not only parents, but grandparents, aunts, uncles or close friends can purchase. High quality, magazine print media guides will be available at the beginning of the season. AD PAYMENT AND ARTWORK IS DUE JUNE 29. 2018. Not creative? We will provide design services for FREE! You provide the photos and the sentiment, and we can do the rest if you so choose. Forms are available at the front table. Pay by cash, check or choose credit card pament via PayPal. THESE WILL NOT BE AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE PAST JUNE, so order now! LIMITED AD SPACE AVAILABLE. Contact Holley Curry with questions or to submit payment. Questions and artwork can be emailed to
Around the Corner May 1st Onion Sales Money Due May 9th Recruiting Trip 2nd Payment Due May 11th Green and Gold Game May 18th Spring Jamboree Godby vs. Lincoln 7:00 pm Rickards vs. Lincoln 8:00 pm May 21st Online Donations Fundraiser Begin June 1st Leave on Recruiting Trip June 6th Return from Recruiting Trip June 11th Summer Conditioning Begins June 15th Online Donations Fundraiser Ends
Staying Connected Communications MailChimp Emails
Staying Connected New Website Rosters Schedules QBC Info Pictures Coach Blog Pay Fees Online Store May 26th
Staying Connected Coach Quinn Gray Lincoln Quarterback Club Facebook Lincoln High School Football Twitter @Linc_TrojansFB