Studentship Competition 2019 SGSAH AHRC Doctoral Training Partnership Studentship Competition 2019
SGSAH AHRC DTP Aberdeen Dundee Edinburgh Glasgow Glasgow School of Art RCS St Andrews Stirling Strathclyde UHI
The process Summary of Application form Lead HEI Cross-HEI supervision Look at SGSAH website Look at our DTP HEI members’ websites Contact potential supervisors Look at application form template Summary of Application form Qualifications or professional experience Preparedness for doctoral level study and your proposed project Proposal Institutional Statement (supervisory team, research environment, individual training plan)
Am I eligible to apply? RESIDENCY Open to UK and EU nationals Full Scholarship or Fees Only OFFER OF PLACE You must have been accepted on to a PhD programme at one of our ten DTP member institutions ALREADY STARTED? 50% Funding Rule
How do I apply for funding? There are two Stages: HEI Internal Nominations Application submitted to SGSAH - Online Form - Offer of place - Transcripts of qualification - Institutional Statement
Timelines Nomination Nov 2018 – Jan 2019 Submission 1 – 13 February 2019 Notification Mid April 2019
Who looks at my application? Seven discipline specific review panels, consisting of academic staff members from across the DTP consortium One moderation panel of Deans of Graduate schools from all ten member HEIs
FAQs How many awards will you give out? Do I have to be nominated? Late Submission? Can I apply to more than one HEI? Can I have a supervisory team from different HEIs? Can I apply to more than one panel? Word Count? Who should I say is the nominator of my application?
Online Forum 1 November 2018. 3pm – 4pm 14 November 2018. 2pm – 3pm 4 December 2018. 11am – 12noon 8 January 2019. 11am – 12noon SUBSCRIBE to @SGSAH_ SUBSCRIBE to