Floods Meyers/Tolkien Expected Learning: To learn about the different types of floods and the causes of each. Task 1: Go to http://www.floodsafe.com.au/learn-more-about-floods/about-floods to learn about floods, and answer these questions (in full sentences): 1. What are the 3 main types of floods? 2. What are the differences between these types of floods? 3. Is there a difference in how much warning time we have for each of the flood types? 4. Apart from rainfall, what are the other types of disasters that can cause floods to occur? 5. Make a list of (8 to 10) floods that have occurred in the last 50 years. Try for at least one in each State/Territory.
Floods Meyers/Tolkien Task 2: Show where each of the floods have occurred in Australia in the last 50 years. Include BOLTSS on your map.