Office of the State Fire Marshal and the State Fire Code State Fire Marshal Larry Matkaitis George Korda, Legislative Liaison Kevin Schott, Senior Policy Advisor
Mission of the OSFM The State Fire Marshal's Office provides professional personnel and programs for the citizens of Illinois and is committed to saving life and property from fire and explosions through inspection, investigation, training, education, data processing and statistical fire reports.
What does OSFM do? OSFM is made up of 9 divisions: Arson Boilers Elevators Fire Prevention Management Services Public Education Personnel Standards/Education Petroleum & Chemical Safety Technical Services Each enforce corresponding acts and rules
Small Equipment Grant Program $4 million program $26,000 max per grant Small Equipment Grant Committee Tier 1: SCBA, turnout gear, air filler equipment, personal safety Tier 2: Vehicle extrication equipment Tier 3: Vehicle and station equipment Tier 4: Specialized equipment $2 million awarded last year covered 1/3 of applicants
2012 applications for Small Equipment Grant 271 applications received
Fire Truck – Ambulance Loans Fire Truck Revolving Loan Program 9 members Blind application process based on need and ability pay 0% interest loan Fire Trucks $250,000 for 20 years, 5% Ambulances $100,000 for 10 years, 5%
Equipment Exchange Program Fire departments with larger budgets will donate used equipment to departments in need For information contact: Terry Ford 217-785-7487 OSFM is user friendly and we are there for you
History of the State Fire Code OSFM was created by statute in 1909 via the Fire Investigation Act Primary duties of the act at the time were code enforcement and the investigation of fires, for origin and cause Through the years, the State’s fire code has always been adopted by the OSFM through the administrative rule process - the last update occurring in 2002 to adopt the 2000 edition of the NFPA Life Safety Code
What is the State Fire Code? NFPA 101, Life Safety Code (LSC) is adopted to protect the public, it is not a building code LSC addresses construction, protection, and occupancy features to minimize danger to life from fire Local officials are responsible to enforce the LSC, but they have the right to adopt their own code as long as it is equal to or more stringent then OSFM/ LSC The OSFM has concurrent jurisdiction to enforce the State Fire Code anywhere in the State
Alarming Statistics In 2012, Fire Departments responded to 1,375,000 fires in the U.S. 76% occurred in one and two family homes and apartments 2,380 civilian fire deaths occurred in home fires A civilian death in a home occurs every 3 hours and 41 minutes An estimated $12.4 billion in direct property loss $7.0 billion of property loss occurred in home fires Source: NFPA report: “Fire Loss in the United States During 2012” George Stress that these statistics is why there is a need to update the Fire Code
Fire Departments: Challenges Budget cuts (can lead to slower response times) Volunteer firefighter numbers are down 18% since 1984 75% of firefighters in Illinois are volunteers While the number of volunteer firefighters is declining, the age of volunteer firefighters is increasing Source: National Volunteer Fire Council
Fire Departments: Challenges Lightweight Construction Home builders are using manufactured/composite structural members Structural collapse occurs more rapidly when lightweight construction materials are exposed to heat and fire¹ Source: ¹UL study, Report on Structural Stability of Engineered Lumber in Fire Conditions, 2009
Fire Departments: Challenges Lightweight Construction When exposed to the same fire, an unprotected legacy (traditional full dimensional lumber) construction floor assembly collapsed at approximately 19 minutes as compared to 6 minutes for an unprotected lightweight constructed floor assembly Source: UL study, Report on Structural Stability of Engineered Lumber in Fire Conditions, 2009
Fire Departments: Challenges Room Furnishings The challenge of rapid fire spread is exacerbated by the use of building contents that have changed significantly in recent years, contributing to the decrease in time to untenable (life threatening) conditions Predominate use of synthetic materials Use of plastic (petroleum based) vs. wood in furniture Open floor plans that allow fire to more rapidly spread Source: UL Analysis of Changing Residential Fire Dynamics and Its Implications on Firefighter Operational Timeframes
Fire Departments: Challenges Room Furnishings Flashovers: Modern vs. Legacy Furnishings Legacy room transitioned to flashover at 29 min and 30 seconds after ignition Modern room transitioned to flashover in 3 min and 40 seconds after ignition Source: UL Analysis of Changing Residential Fire Dynamics and Its Implications on Firefighter Operational Timeframes
New vs. Old Homes
Fire Departments: Challenges Water Supply Many subdivisions are being built with rural water supply (wells) Sprinklers require less water than fire departments to put out fires because they are activated near the source and while the fire still is small¹ Sprinkler systems discharged an average of 341 gallons of water per fire 2,935 gallons of water per fire were released by firefighter hoses Source: ¹Scottsdale Report, “Automatic Sprinklers, a 10 Year Study”
Home Fire Sprinklers
Residential Sprinklers Installation Costs National Average in 2013: $1.35 per sq.ft.¹ 2000 sq ft. home = $2700 Average cost in Illinois to install lawn sprinkler: $3,687² NOTE: Sprinklers are Green! Sources: ¹The Fire Protection Research Foundation report “Home Fire Sprinkler Cost Assessment – 2013 ²
Faces of Fire
Conclusion OSFM Mission is to Save Lives and Property By adopting and enforcing codes, training and educating, inspecting and investigating. The OSFM supports training initiatives to ensure Firefighter Safety and Efficiency Financially supports the Illinois Fire Service Institute Cornerstone Training program Fire Marshal Matkaitis ensured firefighters will have training available through IFSI for Fracking
Contacts George Korda Kevin Schott Technical Services: 312-814-2365 Kevin Schott 217-558-6846 Technical Services: 312-814-8960
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