3rd WGM Meeting 3 May 2018 Item 2.2 Results of the Task Force on Validation State of play of ESS Validation project
Menu of the day Task Force on Validation (TF VAL) Background Activity 1: Methodological handbook Activity 2: VTL Activity 3: Business and IT Architecture Future: Informal cooperation network? ESS Validation Deployment Project Priority work Cooperation instruments Deployment in domains WGM is expected to…
TF VAL - Background Mandate between June 2016 and Dec 2017: Pilot implementation of methodological handbook Pilot implementation of VTL Finalisation of Business and IT Architecture 8 Participating countries: DE, EE, IE, IT, NL, PT, SI, UK 7 meetings
TF VAL – Activity 1 Pilot implementation of methodological handbook TF VAL Reviewed version 1 of Methodological handbook (Methodology for Data Validation) 6 Feb 2017, Consolidated feedback was provided to ESSnet Validat Integration Used by ESSnet as one of the 2 main inputs (other main input was Memobust handbook) Used by Eurostat to draft document "Main types of Validation rules for ESS data"
TF VAL – Activity 2 Pilot implementation of VTL VTL assessment of usability by statisticians made for 5 domains (Animal, Asylum, BOP-ITS, NA-ESA, STS) VTL useful to limit risks of ambiguous understanding, but need to be complemented by plain English, … Contribution to public consultation on VTL 1.1 Drafting of "Quick Guide on VTL"
TF VAL – Activity 3 Finalisation of Business and IT Architecture Drafted by Eurostat with active contribution of TF VAL in particular on the 2 following parts: Validation principles Acceptance process Approved: In Feb 2017 by EA Board In April 2017 by WGM
TF VAL – Future? Informal cooperation network Acknowledgement of finalisation of work of TF VAL For the future, informal cooperation network ? Main activity: Contribute to coordination of implementation of ESS Validation strategy in countries Composition: TF VAL, ESSnet, Grants participants + Interested colleagues nominated by WGM Exchange Platform: on CROS-Validation, Wiki or CIRCABC
ESS Validation Deployment Project Priority Work Framework for describing and agreeing on validation rules and roles, Framework for using VTL in the ESS, Standardisation of validation reports, Development and improvement of validation services
ESS Validation Deployment Project Cooperation instruments and communication ESSnet Validat Integration 6 Training courses in 1 year 2017 Grants (EE, HR, IT, LT, PL) 2018 Grants (7 applications…) Domain specific Validation TF (NA, Energy, LFS) ESTP course – 21-22 Nov 2018 Web Pages on CROS – Validation (https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/cros)
ESS Validation Deployment Project Deployment in domains in 2018-2019 26 domains with more than 500 transmissions in 2017 + HBS (86% of all transmissions) 3 levels of priority: 8 pilots (NA-ESA, STS, Energy, Asylum, BPM6, ANI, MILK, HBS), 10 main domains with less than 50% of first versions final (COMEXT, AIR, CROPROD, TOUR, MRTM, EDP, ESSPROS, URBANREG, EGR, LFS) 9 main domains with 50% or more of first versions final (SBS, HICP, PRAG, ROAD, RESPER, WASTE, REGWEB, PPP, DUBLINII).
WGM is expected to… Discuss and endorse work of TF VAL, Give its opinion on cooperation network to: Share information, Exchange on national and ESS developments, Discuss state of play and next steps of ESS Validation project