(DNA to Protein completed) Starts with the RNA Polymerase Protein Synthesis (DNA to Protein completed) Starts with the RNA Polymerase In the cell nucleus Polymerase splits the DNA hydrogen bonds and at the same time reads the DNA (transcription) and creates the messenger RNA (mRNA)
The path of the Messenger RNA (mRNA) Once mRNA is completed it leaves the cell nucleus and heads for a Ribosome (also contains ribosomal RNA (rRNA)
The mRNA finds a ribosome The mRNA lays itself down on the Ribosome (rRNA) and waits for the specific transfer RNA (tRNA) to bring the amino acids so can create the chain of amino acids that become a protein when done.
The Ribosome gets the Transfer RNA (tRNA) The transfer RNA (tRNA) brings the amino acids that the mRNA codons contains so that it create the chain of amino acids that will become that protein.
Protein Synthesis is complete when--- The last codon of the mRNA has been read (translated) by the last tRNA-then that protein has been completed.
A completed Protein (end of Protein Synthesis) ALL proteins produced in the cells through “Protein Synthesis” are made of those amino acids from that mRNA strand.
Proteins-what are they? Proteins are created in all your cells. Your body has the ability to generate 2 million different types of proteins Total number of proteins in human body is estimated to be around 50,000.
Proteins-what are they? continued Proteins are required for the structure, function, and regulation of the body's cells, tissues, and organs; and each protein has unique functions
Proteins-what are they? STRUCTURE Structure-Proteins provide a support structure from your individual cells to every part of your body. Just like houses use wood to create their structure.
Proteins-what are they? FUNCTION Function-Proteins provide important body functions. Muscle contractions that allow you to move.
Proteins-what are they? REGULATION Regulation -Proteins provide important body functions. Regulate cell division. Failure of proteins to properly regulate the division process can cause tumor growth and cancer.
FINAL DNA fact—not on quiz If you stretched one of your DNA in one cell all the way out (3 billion base pairs), it would be about 6.5 feet long, and if all the DNA in all your cells in your body (37.2 trillion cells) would be stretched out it would be about twice the diameter of our Solar System.