Ch 7 Skeletal System Bell Quiz Bones are Us…
C. palatine and lacrimal D. nasal and vomer E. zygomatic and sphenoid Q1. These bones #10 and #5, respectively form the nasal septum and bridge of the nose: A. mandible and nasal B. vollmmer and ethmoid C. palatine and lacrimal D. nasal and vomer E. zygomatic and sphenoid 10
Q2: Structure # B10 and P1, respectively are: A. mandible, styloid process B. nasal; bone, styloid process C. zygomatic, mastoid process D. temporal bone, mastoid process E. Zygomatic, zygomatic process B10 P1
Q3: #2 and 13 are, respectively Body, T13 Manubrium, S1 Xyphoid Process, L1 Manubrium, L1 Body, S1
Q4: # 10 and #23 are respectively: Mental foramen, Frontal bone B. Lambdoid Suture, Temporal bone Zygomatic arch, occipital bone Mental Foramen, Temporal bone Foramen Magnum, Occipital bone
Q5: There are ______cervical, ______thoracic, ____lumbar, _____sacral, ____coccygeal vertebrae: D. 7, 12, 5, 5, 1 E. 7, 12, 5, 1,1
Bonus(?pt):Bones 5,6, and 9 are, respectively: A. ulna, radius, tarsals B. femur, tibia, phalanges C. tibia, ulna, metacarpals D. fibula, tibia, phalanges E. tibia, fibula, metatarsals