Math Star Students Literacy Birthdays 10/17-10/21 Calendar This week in Jolly Phonics we will learn the letter sounds for th, qu, ou, oi, & ue . Please continue to practice them at home daily. In Reading Workshop this week, we will be talking about choosing books for our book bins and how to retell a story. During their Read to Self time they will be focusing on looking for our sight words and how to read the pictures if we come to a word we don’t know. In Writing Workshop, we will be reading the story “The Art Lesson” by Tomie dePaola. We will be looking at the role of illustrators and how they can tell a story with their pictures. Our book of the week is “Tree House” and we will be making another class book about what you can do in a tree house. Our sight word this week is “are”. **Book bags will go home on Friday. Please have your child keep it for a week to practice and discuss. Calendar 10/14 – Vision & Hearing Screening 10/20 – Early Release Day - 10:10 release 10/26 - Forward 95 Community Engagement/LZHS 3:30 or 6:30 10/28 – Halloween Party - wear costume to school 11/4 – Institute Day/ No School Birthdays 17th - Nathan Math This week the children will continue to practice writing their numbers 0-10. Students will continue to find numbers “just before” and “just after” a number. We will also spend time using positional words like: in front of, behind, above, below, beside, to the left of, and to the right of. You can practice this at home by using these positional words to direct your child to find things. This works really well with the game “I Spy”. The concepts of right and left can be confusing for some kids at this age, but we will be using this language all year. Star Students 10/17 Nathan 10/18 Daniel 10/19 Elizabeth 10/20 Early Release/ No Star Student 10/21 Alex *Star student gets to bring in a show and tell.